I think what I got was called “
Bowlsaw”. But it’s been a long time and my memory is not reliable!
Some years back a fellow was making them and part of his plan was to send them out to certain people for feedback.
He sent me one to evaluate, perhaps because I was active on several forums and a moderator on one. I tried it and I found, as I mentioned, it worked fine but for me it had some limitations, mostly diameter of the core. However, for certain sizes and bowl shapes it could be a timesaver and give a liidded box-sized core. When I find where I put it I’lll give it another try.
A search for “bowlsaw” turned up some communication on Lumberjocks and elsewhere around 2008-2009 saying he sent some out to some Wood Central contributors. The website he gave appears to be no longer be active.
I did find a thread on AAWforum about it:
I had the privilege of evaluating Dick Steussy's bowlsaws and found them easy and safe to use turning 2 bowls from one 7" blank and 3 bowls from a 9" blank. Inexpensive and great for the hobbyist and serious turner, would pay for itself in no time with the wood saved and with minimum sawdaust to clean up.
More information can be seen on
This is an American invention made in America I just happen to be an Aussie lucky enough try one out.
The blurb on Lumberjocks:
What is a BowlSaw? In September I introduced an entirely new hand-held coring unit for woodturning amateurs I called the BowlSaw. The response was a deafening silence! My intention was not to disturb the "establishment" but they fiercely resisted any change to their protocol. This thing was...