Mtn. Ash (Rowan) miniature jars/boxes (1 1/8" tall)
I sold one for $2, which was unfortunate because the time and effort to make them wasn't $2, however, it was my best friend's 7-year-old sister. The lowest price on anything was $5, and she came to my booth with $7. She picked a miniature carved dog, I told her it was $5, and then she asked what she should get with the other two. I didn't know how to tell her that the box was worth more than $5, and she didn't understand that it was larger and more complicated than a miniature dog, so I told her I would make her a special deal. This was after she came to my booth and explained that because I turned her family a Christmas tree last year, evidently I had to make something else this year. Luckily, she knew just what her mom wanted (both of her parents are teachers at my school), and how to make it. I probably could have explained to anyone else that the price was higher, but how could I say no to a 7 year old?
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