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Owners poll- 18" X 47" lathes

Frustrated and bummed out!

Hi all,

I have heard from 3 different guys who have gotten this latest round of G0698 lathes that has gotten here from China, and out of the many [who knows how many] that were delivered ........3 have issues.

For the life of me, I do not know how many guys get a unit that are just great, and then a few get one that have these issues. After a year, I have not had a single issue, and the my lathe has performed so well, and given me everything I have wanted in one.

I think this unit, being new to the market as it is, made some have reservations as to getting it. My reviews have been positive for the most part, and my true experience has been exceptional. Now a very few have reported a problem, and well, it just bums me out! :(:(:(

I have no affiliation with Grizzly, and I do think they try hard to be a good company, and resolve issues, and try to stand behind their product. I know that none of these problems have anything to do with me, but I am still bothered that problems have arisen, and folks are having to deal with frustrating delays in getting their units and having to get a repair or replacement. It bums me out!

In the grand scheme of things, I don't think reported problems with the G0698 is any greater than other makes, as has been noted on this and other threads, so I hope we can all keep things in perspective. Still, when you are the guy that has to deal with shipping a unit back, or waiting for a part to arrive, then it just is a frustration that should not be.

I have no way of knowing, but it is my own suspicion that there is probably some new employee at the factory that did not get something right, and it slipped past Quality control. I think every single unit should be put through QC testing to make sure it is right before it leaves the factory. That is my standard and I know, some think I am dreaming, but it should be that way.

I believe Grizzly will do their best to satisfy the customers and get all the issues corrected. It is my wish that all that got the G0698 will have many years of reliable service from their units.

I am still frustrated about the problems........good luck to everyone!
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The Grizzly saga

Thanks Fred :D

Grizzly called me today and were very willing to come and pick the lathe up at my house. They weren't happy that I disposed of the shipping crate. I didn't really dispose of it, I was converting it into a sand box for the lathe. Can't have to much weight.
They did not have another lathe or headstock to swap out and could not give me a date when another lathe would be available. They are coming to get it.

This has been 2 1/2 months from the time I ordered it till today. A lot of waiting with disappointing results. I had hope that Grizzly had hit on a good large size lathe at a very reasonable price. I guess you get what you pay for.

I contacted another company and asked for a shipping date on another lathe. They told me about a week to where I live. So in about a week I will have a new Powermatic 3520B, with 18" bed extension and floor mount tool holder. I feel very positive about this lathe as it has a proven track record.
This is a whole lot more money than I wanted to spend. But it's also a whole lot more lathe. Life is to short to turn on bad lathes. I'm spending some of the kids inheritance.
I just heard from Fred Belknap who posted on the SMC forum that he received his Grizzly G0698 and got it set up, and he is happy with his. He really likes it, and feels good about his purchase.

I mentioned that I guess lathes are a bit like cars.........one time a guy who worked at an auto plant told me.......don't buy a car built on Monday mornings [the employees have hangovers from the weekend] :eek:

and don't buy one built on Friday afternoons [the employees are anxious to get out of the plant and start the weekend, and sometimes take shortcuts and leave out parts :eek:]

I guess my lathe was built on a good day, because mine so far has been great :D;).

They all should be that way!!!
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I just heard from Fred Belknap who posted on the SMC forum that he received his Grizzly G0698 and got it set up, and he is happy with his. He really likes it, and feels good about his purchase.

I mentioned that I guess lathes are a bit like cars.........one time a guy who worked at an auto plant told me.......don't buy a car built on Monday mornings [the employees have hangovers from the weekend]

and don't buy one built on Friday afternoons [the employees are anxious to get out of the plant and start the weekend, and sometimes take shortcuts and leave out parts :eek:]

I guess my lathe was built on a good day, because mine so far has been great :D;).

They all should be that way!!!

Always nice to hear the good reports because out of thousands of lathes (or any other kind of tool) we always hear lots of discussion about an occasional bad one compared to how many good ones are actually made but seldom hear about all the good ones.
Guess all the people with the good ones are too busy turning on them and don't have time to tell about how much they are enjoying it.

Works the same way with any make or model. .

On the other hand , it's best we don't hear from ALL the good ones or we wouldnt have time to read it all because it would be pages of long lists of similar great reports. ;)
Always nice to hear the good reports because out of thousands of lathes (or any other kind of tool) we always hear lots of discussion about an occasional bad one compared to how many good ones are actually made but seldom hear about all the good ones.
Guess all the people with the good ones are too busy turning on them and don't have time to tell about how much they are enjoying it.

Works the same way with any make or model. .

On the other hand , it's best we don't hear from ALL the good ones or we wouldnt have time to read it all because it would be pages of long lists of similar great reports. ;)

Good point William! Thanks for your perspective.........I wonder how many units of the 18x47 are out there in workshops around the world? Even here in North America?

Do you, in your personal opinion think that there are any more problems with this lineup per 100 units than there are say with the Jet or maybe the Nova?
Monday is the day

I talked with the freight company today and my Griz G0698 is indeed on its way and will be delivered next Monday, 12/13. I am so looking forward to this and will post news on how this particular specimen performs. I have the spot all cleared out in the shop for it to reside and barring any problems should be up and running early next week. Thanks to all for your posts and with helping me make the decision to "just do it". David
I talked with the freight company today and my Griz G0698 is indeed on its way and will be delivered next Monday, 12/13. I am so looking forward to this and will post news on how this particular specimen performs. I have the spot all cleared out in the shop for it to reside and barring any problems should be up and running early next week. Thanks to all for your posts and with helping me make the decision to "just do it". David

Congratulations David,

It will be great to see your response, and to get your feeling on your unit. Post some pics of your work when you can. Welcome to the Grizzly group! :)
Good point William! Thanks for your perspective.........I wonder how many units of the 18x47 are out there in workshops around the world? Even here in North America?

Do you, in your personal opinion think that there are any more problems with this lineup per 100 units than there are say with the Jet or maybe the Nova?

Per hundred units ? Not at all . I cannot speak for Nova because have never had one . Read some pretty bad issues about them on some sites though . I have had several Jet lathes over the years as I worked my way up to my Craftex CT128 . Not just one but two different models of Jet. You also might have noticed in a previous thread about the so-called fantastic General International that fried shortly after I plugged it in. Then after posting some messages in a couple sites about that one I couldn't believe how many others had the very same problems and some had the electronics box switched out several times right up to the end of warranty and paid dearly for new parts after that. . The electronics fried on a LOT of them and then a *new and improved* black box which was on the model that I got were no better than the previous ones . I made very certain before I bought it that I had the so called new and improved electronics box. It was a different shape and size than the previous ones.

I can't blame anyone for getting ticked off if they get a defective one of any make right from the start and get a refund and go to a different make . I have done that myself . Just like when I took the General back and got a refund and then got a Jet . The Jet certainly had its shortcomings but I was able to work around them .
Nobody could ever convince me to get another General but some turners must be having good luck with them because they are still selling those overpriced lathes as are some other over priced more popular brand names being sold.
I talked with the freight company today and my Griz G0698 is indeed on its way and will be delivered next Monday, 12/13. I am so looking forward to this and will post news on how this particular specimen performs. I have the spot all cleared out in the shop for it to reside and barring any problems should be up and running early next week. Thanks to all for your posts and with helping me make the decision to "just do it". David

Congratulations David.
We wish you all the best and hope that you will be as happy with it as many of us are.

Keep eating your Wheaties while you are waiting. You will need lots of strength for unpacking and setting it up. ;)
Don't forget to save the shipping crate for when you have to send it back

I wondered how long it would take you to jump in with joyful glee? :D [Just kidding! :p]

We end users that pay for these things want it right the first time, every time. I wonder if anything made in China is that way? I have read of a some Powermatics that are having switch troubles, lately.

once someone gets burned [such as yourself] it is hard to have any good thoughts at all about a unit. I would be the same way, no doubt, so no criticism here.

Out of a whole shipment that has arrived just recently, we have heard of 3 problems, but many more that are fine. I have had personal conversations and private messages with owners and they are liking their lathes.

Every single unit should be fully inspected, especially the electronics before it leaves the factory, and that is where I stand. Put the customer, the end user, and the one who shells out the $$$$$ for the thing first, period!

Happy holidays, Kevin...........hope it is a great one for you and yours. :)
The Grizzly saga continues

Hi all, I'm beginning to feel a bit like a yo-yo here.
First Grizzly tells me there is no replacement for this lathe and they have no headstock and no idea when the next shipment will arrive. And they would come to my house and pick it up.
They called me today about 2:30 pm EST and now all of a sudden they have a headstock and want to swap it out. I called and said no thanks. I told them I ordered another lathe.
Now they want me to hire a trucking company and pay them to take it back.
The folks at Grizzly seem to be upset that I didn't save the crate. How long should someone save a damned shipping crate? Their attitude has changed from, we'll do everything we can to help, to this is my problem and I have to fix it.
I fear the next thing will be a restocking fee, for a defective machine.
I have a choice in this, hire a trucking company at about $245 or drive to Williamsport 6 hours round trip and about $40 in gas money, I'm loosing out here either way.
How can a company have no clue as to the arrival time of a shipment.
There is a problem with this latest batch of lathes. I don't feel very trusting that the headstock they wanted to swap would be any better.
Grizzly needs to test all of these lathes to find the defective ones and not sell anymore till they do that. Their reputation with lathes has not been all that good, and this is not going to help them.
This has been a long enough wait, and fooling around with bad machines for me.
I've been turning for over 20 years and have had several small lathes in that time period, and have turned on a few high end machines. And I'm starting to beat up on myself for taking this risk. I should have known better.
You get what you pay for.
I want to wish a good luck to those of you who have bought this lathe, I really do hope that it lasts longer for you then it did for me.
A very short time former member of the 18" x 47" group.
I thought the "GREEN MONSTER GROUP" would be a cool name.:cool2:
Thanks for letting me vent,

I would take the lathe back to them, and refuse to give them another dime, and make sure they gave me a full refund. Grizzly is usually good, and I would just tell them their product was defective, you did not expect to have to replace it, and the crate was being turned into a ballast box.

If they did not give me a full refund, then I would lodge a complaint with the Better Business Beaureo, and file a complaint with the state consumer affairs department.

They should have given you the chance for a fix, before they told you they did not know if they could get you a new head stock, their logistics not yours caused you to want to go ahead an get the PM lathe.

I don't think they will balk too much, they do try to give good customer service.

I like your idea of the "Green Monster Group"
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The Grizzly Saga

Thanks Roger, That is exactly what I'm going to do. If their open tomorrow (sunday) I will take it back in the morning.
My son-in-law is coming over today to help me crate it up.

I noticed there are 18,585 views on this thread, how many of those viewers have bought, or were thinking about buying the Grizzly Lathe. I also wonder how many of the lathes were defective ? And yes, I know their are lemons in all things man made. It's a shame I got one this time around. :D not the first and not the last.
I'm not bitter towards Grizzly at this time, I truly believe they are attempting to give turners an alternative to other large machines at a reasonable price. They need to get the electronics down pat. Then and only then, they will have a hit.

Woodturning has become so popular in the past 10 years, and there is a lot of new stuff coming out all the time. It would be interesting if organizations like the AAW could somehow become the "Watch Dogs" and evaluate new lathes and equipment on a regular basis. Perhaps do a yearly report in the journal, something on the order of what "Wood Magazine" does with their tool reports. New comers to the craft would be able to be more informed about what to purchase and what not.

I have recently befriended a neighbor a few houses down the street. This guy has been turning for about 5 years and has never heard of the AAW, Craft Supplies, Packard Woodworks, or Penn State Industries.
Blew his mind with a few catalogs, he had no clue.
Once again good luck to all with their Grizzly.

You have a great idea there about AAW Journal folks evaluating machines that come out, and those on the market.

I hope you will get your neighbor up to speed about all that is available in the turning world :D He will be so surprised :D:D:D

To answer your question as to how many got this lathe and had a problem.........I would say it was a very tiny [comparatively speaking] amount. One generally hears about the problems, but those who don't have problems, are just going about their business, and do not usually have much to say, as everything seems normal in their circumstance.

the only reason I commented in the first place and started this thread was because I was asked by others on another thread to please give some information when I got my unit, and I said I would and would give some info along the way as I used it,and was able to make a judgment on how good the machine was.

Again, my G0698 lathe has been superb! Not one issue, and performance that exceeded my initial expectations. I am truly sorry for those very few who had an issue, but from what I can gather from posts and conversations the great majority of these lathes have been very good, and did fill a niche in the market for a full sized, full featured lathe at an affordable price.

That notwithstanding, they do need to make sure EVERY SINGLE unit passes muster before they ship it! This is true for whatever the label...Laguna, Craftex, Grizzly or Hare& Forbes Woodmaster. There needs to be some tightening up at the factory with Quality Control and inspection!!!
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All Speculation Roger

You have no clue on true numbers. It is a lathe that doesn't compare to a jet or a powermatic. It is like buying a tool from harbor freight.

Laguna told me that the last batch of lathes that came in was a container load. They also shipped a container load back....what does that tell you?
You have no clue on true numbers. It is a lathe that doesn't compare to a jet or a powermatic. It is like buying a tool from harbor freight.

Laguna told me that the last batch of lathes that came in was a container load. They also shipped a container load back....what does that tell you?

Everyone has their opinions on things, and if I had experienced what you did with your Laguna, then I would feel the same way.

That being said, Kevin........I have turned on 2 different PM3520b's and seen a number of Jet 16/42's up close while friends were turning on them, and at demo's and none of them performed any better than my G0698. You may find that hard to believe, but that is my genuine experience.

I will say, the PM3520b's are great machines. I think it has a much better banjo than my Grizzly G0698, and it is heavier, of course.

I do think that Grizzly and Laguna, and others for that matter had better tighten up on their Quality control at the factory, and make sure each and every unit passes muster, especially the electronics, or their reputation is going to go south on them.

The banjo and tool rest on the G0698 is the exact same as on the Jet 16/42, and the locking handles the same as on the PM3520b. I have actually taken the time to compare them, and they are identical to my G0698.

I think the 18x47's have potential to be great lathes.........my individual unit has been superb, without a single issue after a year of use. A number of guys that I have talked with that have gotten them are happy like I am, but there have been a few that had an issue........a very small number. I don't know why Laguna shipped back a container, but if they are having Qualtity issues, then put it back on the factory, and insist they get them right! Good for Laguna.

I think you will find Grizzly will do the same thing if a lot of issues develop, but if they have more units that perform like mine has, then they will know it is a correctable problem that QC can eliminate with closer inspections, and putting each unit through its paces. I think they should especially focus on the electronics area.

I am not basing my opinion on just my experience, but on those also that have gotten the unit and are happy. I also see that there have been issues that need addressing, and expect they will be.

I don't know if the issues are more widespread than issues other makes have had as well. The only make that I know that has not had issues reported is the Robust, American Beauty. That one is in another league from this line up and even Jet and PM. I have heard of Oneways, and Generals having issues, so I am not quite ready to dismiss out of hand the lineup of 18x47's.

I do feel like that Grizzly should learn from these issues, and also the issues that the Laguna line had, and make sure they get them corrected. Some employee at the factory is likely not doing something correctly and it needs to be traced down and corrected, or all these companies will loose credibility and sales.

I disagree entirely with your assessment that buying one of these units is like buying from Harbor Freight. You got burned, unfortunate for sure, and it could have been me, but I and a lot of others have had a genuinely good experience, and I have seen Harbor Freight stuff.......believe me this line up is light years ahead of the one HF carries.

No argument here, none is needed.........we just have different opinions based upon our own experiences, and mine has some others experiences factored in as well. So does yours, so it is what it is, a difference of experience and opinion.
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The Grizzly Saga

Hi all,
The Grizzly Saga is over for me, I took it back today. There was no hassle over the absence of the shipping crate. Everyone was very nice and helpful.

The only problem that started to happen was, they wanted me to wait for a refund check, maybe two weeks or so. I told them I was uncomfortable with that, I paid cash and needed something back in my pocket. I asked to speak to a manager. They found enough cash to pay me in full.
So all in all I'm out about $80.00 in gas money, 16 hours of driving time, fuse searching time, and telephone time.

I think I might send them a bill for my lost time, and expenses.
Time is money, and this was lost shop time along with lost money, I could have been turning during all of that time, now I'm behind in my work.

The "Mustard Monster" is on it's way.
I got it!

After some pins and needles I got my Grizzly lathe yesterday at about 5pm. Got it uncrated, assembled, cleaned up and plugged in. I know crap happens but this particular one seems to be a good one and a keeper. I actually managed to get it assembled single handed. My back was a little sore at bedtime but I tried to use good lifting techniques and I feel fine today. I did do as others have done and worked a little on the ways. They are not as polished as what we used to see on a Powermatic table saw but they appear to be nice and flat. First thing I did was slap a couple of centers in the head and tail stocks then ran them together, PERFECT. Plugged it in and turned it on and it worked great. Installed a chuck and put in a piece of wood and started turning. I am happy and I think I will continue to be happy. Roger and other owners were a big help in my decision and I thank you. David
good news!

After some pins and needles I got my Grizzly lathe yesterday at about 5pm. Got it uncrated, assembled, cleaned up and plugged in. I know crap happens but this particular one seems to be a good one and a keeper. I actually managed to get it assembled single handed. My back was a little sore at bedtime but I tried to use good lifting techniques and I feel fine today. I did do as others have done and worked a little on the ways. They are not as polished as what we used to see on a Powermatic table saw but they appear to be nice and flat. First thing I did was slap a couple of centers in the head and tail stocks then ran them together, PERFECT. Plugged it in and turned it on and it worked great. Installed a chuck and put in a piece of wood and started turning. I am happy and I think I will continue to be happy. Roger and other owners were a big help in my decision and I thank you. David


It is good to hear your positive report. I found that the machining on the ways, not being as polished as say the PM does allow for a positive lockup with the banjo and tailstock on the ways. Mine has been very solid in that regard, and I have only needed to treat my ways a couple of times, and I used Boeshield on them, and let dry then give a good wipe down. Works really slick!

The centers on mine are dead on in alignment, and having the bed level makes that pretty much automatic, I think.

I hate it that a couple of guys had problems, but Grizzly is addressing these, with new inverters from what I hear. Grizzly works hard at good customer service, and they will get the units right for those who will give them a little time, to get parts if needed.

Be sure and post some of your turnings when you can........it will be nice to see what comes off the Green Monster! :D

I would recommend that you put a shelf for ballast on the leg castings, as it stiffens the unit from end to end, and makes it more stable with heavy out of balance blanks. I have some wood blanks on mine and a few tools in blow molded cases, and that has been all the ballast I have needed to date, but some build a box and put sand inside for the extra weight.

Good luck, David, and happy turning!
The electrics

Roger, I am not sure just what it is that has changed but my instruction book came with a supplemental electric sheet so I assume that they have made changes, hopefully improvements. David
manual and electronics

Roger, I am not sure just what it is that has changed but my instruction book came with a supplemental electric sheet so I assume that they have made changes, hopefully improvements. David

Mine did not have the supplimental electric sheet, but it did have a section in the manual that showed the wiring and all. As my unit was one of the first ones, they still had a manual that had some generic lathe information in it not specific to the G0698. Some of the info was copied from their G0632 model, but then it had some that was specific to the G0698 as well.

The disclaimer said that the manual was subject to update, and I suppose that is what they have done as they have gotten more units in the manufacturing process.
email from Grizzly Tech support

This email from Grizzly tech support will tell the correct story about the issues with the G0698 lathes. I emailed them to find out what is the issue, and Bill Croffut has responded. As you will see, most of the units are fine, there was a problem with circuit boards supplied by Toshiba, and they are addressing issues.

here is the email response I got:

Hi Roger,

We are aware of a small percentage of electronics failing on our G0698 Wood Lathe. Presently we actually don't know why but nearly all seem to be circuit board failures. We are working with the circuit board supplier (Toshiba) to find a fast permanent solution. By all indications, there is a problem with the manufacturing of the circuit board as the vast majority of machines (yours for example) after several months of use are working trouble free. Those that fail have done so for the most part very soon after putting into service. Our Grizzly inspectors did not find a problem at the factory and when they arrived here, they again tested fine. Please be assured that we are working hard to correct the problem. I think this is one heck of a nice lathe and we have every intention of providing the highest level of support to our customers not only for the G0698 Lathe but all Grizzly products. No one likes to have products fail, but having failures is not necessarily an indication of a problem with Quality Control. In this case, we must rely on the engineering and manufacturing skills of the supplier of the electronics. Their problem has now become our problem too and we are both working towards a solution. However, I will say again the vast majority of these lathes are performing trouble free.

Thanks for your questions and I hope I have put your worries to rest.


Bill Crofutt
Quality Control Manager

Grizzly Industrial, Inc.

This information should give some reassurance to both those who have this lathe, and those who have just gotten it, and also to those who have had a problem...........it will be fixed! A defective circuit board from Toshiba is the main issue! The vast majority of units are just fine!
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For your Ron Sardo

This thread has been going on so long, I can't help but wonder what type of affiliation you have with Grizzly.


I have absolutely NO affiliation with Grizzly whatsoever, other than purchasing this lathe [g0698] my very first purchase from them.

I enjoy tools very much and am an avid wood worker for nearly 25 years, as a hobbyist. I have been doing this thread because a number of folks requested that I give some ongoing reviews as to my experience with the G0698 lathe which was introduced on Jan. 1st 2010, and I was one of the first purchasers,and of course as the thread went on, other owners of other labels posted and you see the development of the thread.

My interest is to get a true assessment of this unit, as it is a full featured lathe at a great price, and fills a niche in the market that makes it possible for some folks to have a large lathe, but do not have the $$$$ to purchase one costing $3500.00 or more.
Sent mine back


You mentioned (in post 317) the Sawmill Creek discussion and referred to one person who got a replacement headstock and has been happy ever since. I think you may have been referring to me, but have confused my results with someone else. Grizzly did send me a replacement headstock to try to correct my G0698 problems, but the new headstock exhibited exactly the same problems -- not starting the vast majority of the time.

My lathe arrived in August after several months of backorder, so it was not in the most recent shipment. Grizzly acknowledged to me, as they did in their recent email to you, that I was not the only one experiencing this problem. Grizzly also admitted they did not have a fix for the problem at the time (around the end of August or beginning of September) and did not know when they might, so they offered to take the lathe back. They refunded my money and I bought a Powermatic 3520b. I have been happy ever since, just not with the Grizzly lathe.;)

That being said, Grizzly was responsive to my concerns, gave me a full refund, and paid for all of the shipping expenses (other than for the materials to build a new crate to send it back). It was a frustrating experience, especially dealing with UPS Freight in the Chicago area, but I have no complaints about Grizzly's customer service.

I have no reason to think that this problem will affect the majority of the lathes Grizzly has shipped, nor that Grizzly has not figured out the problem by now. I appreciate your posting your positive experience with your lathe and relating the experiences of others that you have heard. I just want to correct the confusion over how my situation was resolved (assuming it was me you were referring to in your earlier post).

Correct info is important

Thanks Jon,

I am about getting truthful information out on this unit, and I do not remember for sure who I was referring to, but it may have been you..........frankly, I don't recall at this moment.

However, if I misunderstood or gave faulty information, then I sure do want it to be corrected. Reviews are meant to give the good :) the bad :( and the ugly :eek: also.

The whole purpose of this thread was to give a truthful review, and some other posters have spoken of problems with their Laguna version, and some of the Busy Bee and Hare & Forbes owners have spoken of their good experiences.

Thank you for letting any confusion be cleared up. I also do not want anyone to think one thing when another might be the case.

I think from what I received from the QC manager at Grizzly that they have gotten a handle on the problem as of the last few days [circuit boards from Toshiba] and they will get this corrected as soon as is possible. I hope that a bad part does not color the opinions of turners about the quality of this lathe.........once this issue gets resolved, I think it will be a good unit and perform well for those who get it.
Grizzly Green Monster Group

For those of you who would be interested, and like to have a bit of light-hearted fun, on the SMC turners forum, there has been a "Grizzly Green Monster's Group" established, as was suggested by one of the moderators on that forum.

they have the "Delta force" for the 46-460 owners, and "Mustard Monster" contingent as well. Even a "mayo" contingent. It is just a way of letting folks know what unit you are using for your turnings.

Quite a few new Grizzly owners, and the G0698, G0632 and G0694 are the larger lathes in the Grizzly lineup, so owners are encouraged to join the group!

We added other Grizzly models as well, so some units are "mini monsters" and that is okay!
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G0698 steady rest

I made a steady rest for my G0698..........thought some others might be interested in making one for their 18/47 unit. Frame is made from cabinet grade birch plywood, and the base and arms are made from 3/4 red oak for rigidity.

I built this in advance of getting my Monster Articulated hollowing rig which I ordered on Monday.

Should be a sweet setup all the way around!


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Personally, I would not buy any lathe other than a VicMarc or a OneWay.
I have had a VicMarc for 7 years and love it.

Save your money until you can step o\up to a VicMarc www.vicmarc.com or a One Way.


Walter I respect your opinion, but if I had to wait saving my money to buy a VicMarc, I would not have a lathe. I got a sweet deal on a brand new PM 3520B. One of our club members is a distributor for WMH and cuts us good deals on PMs or Jet lathes.
If I could have any lathe I wanted Stubby 1000 would top the list with VM right there in 2nd place, Oneway runs real close to VM. IMHO
one man's opinion Vs. another man's


You Sir, have a right to your opinion, and if I would have had extra funds not needed to support my family, then perhaps I would have gone with a Oneway or maybe a Robust American beauty..........but since my cheapo Craftsman lathe broke on me, and no parts were available on this planet to fix it, then I opted to purchase the best lathe I could at the time with available funds, without going in debt.

So far, after a year, I could not have had any better performance than I have gotten with my G0698...........I know it is not a Oneway 24/36 or a American Beauty or even a Vicmarc.........but it is still a winner, and fills a niche for a full featured lathe at an affordable price.

I hope I will get many long years of reliable service from this unit.........then maybe I can get an American made unit.

That is my opinion, and I'm stickin' to it! :):D
Working like a charm

This morning I did a small Hollow Form vase, and during the process using Ellsworth's bent hollowing tool, I got a major catch, and a couple more using the hunter goose neck hollowing tool as well.

The big catch was big enough to stop the lathe. It tripped the circuit breaker in the headstock and protected the electronics just like it is designed to do. I am so glad this G0698 lathe performs so well. I am glad it was designed to help the turner who occasionally makes a mistake, and protects both the lathe itself and the turner using it! A well thought out design in my opinion. This G0698 I have has been nothing short of absolutely superb!

The wood is Ash, and was dry and hard.


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laguna 18/47 lathe problem

Dear colleagues.
Woodworker, John Sheridan, in San Francisco would like to hear from any other turners who have experienced difficulties with or failure of the motor controls on the "18/47", Model MC1200 lathe from Laguna Tools. An identical lathe is sold as the Grizzly G0698, Busy Bee CT128N and Hare and Forbes WL-46. The inverter to convert 230 single phase power to variable speed three phase on John's 2008 lathe has apparently failed. Or it might be something else including the start/stop switch or Toshiba circuit board.
The owner of Laguna Tools admitted in a telephone conversation in January that the motor and control system on the lathe is vulnerable to voltage change damage. But Laguna is designing a new power system for the lathe and has offered me a new headstock. However, the problem remains undiagnosed.The lathe retails for $1,400 to $1,900. A motor control technician was unable to keep my lathe operating and a licensed electrician also failed. Laguna has sold 3-400 of the lathes. I suspect that it is a worldwide problem with the motor controls on this item in all its various paint jobs.
The discussions that I have had with laguna, now reaching, perhaps, a solution, is in sharp contrast to the policies of SawStop Saw, which, when it identifies a problem with an older model saw, offers without hesitation a free, upgrading part even if the warranty is long expired.
John's phone number is 415-824-6161 and his e-mail address is Grew_Sheridan@mac.com, Thank you.
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I am the one who started the other thread that Mark mentioned. From everything I have heard from owners, both in forums and over the phone, Laguna is the line of 18/47's that have had the most problems, and customer service has been less than stellar for a few customers according to their posts.

The Grizzly unit, the Hare & Forbes Woodmaster, and the Busy Bee CT128 all seem to be fine from what I have heard.

I have the Grizzly G0698 18/47 and just recently there were a small number, less than a dozen as far as I can tell, that had inverter problems. Grizzly's QC manager responded to my email asking about this issue, and told me that they had traced the issue to a circuit board problem with a very few. The circuit board was supplied by Toshiba, and they have worked with Grizzly to get this fixed.

After a year, my unit has not had one single problem of any sort. I hope it stays that way, but Grizzly tech folks tell me they will stand behind their product 100%, so that gives me some reassurance.

I hope you get the issues solved with your Laguna, and hopefully they will get it right with any upgrades, reworks, etc.
Posts from another thread moved here

Evidently the mods moved the last 4 posts here from another thread regarding the Laguna 18/47. When I looked this morning the thread noted that it had been moved, and now those posts are indeed on this thread.
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Problems with Grizzly 18/47


I don't know if the G0698 is the same as the Laguna, but I did have problems with mine. The lathe would only start about 1 in 10 times that I turned it on. Grizzly could not figure out the problem and the replacement headstock they sent out had the same issues. Customer service acknowledged they were experiencing this with a number of the lathes of this model and said they had not figured out how to fix it (as of last fall). They said I could wait for them to figure it out or they would refund my money. I opted for the refund.

Just to be clear, I have no complaints about Grizzly's customer service. My shop still has a Grizzly bandsaw and jointer, and I would gladly buy from them again.
