Thanks Bill, I thinks me head has a clog in it tonight.
Aren't acronyms a great way to communicate? So we save a few letters to type at first, then it takes 2 posts to explain what we wanted to say

Thanks Bill, I thinks me head has a clog in it tonight.
Aren't acronyms a great way to communicate? So we save a few letters to type at first, then it takes 2 posts to explain what we wanted to say![]()
I just heard from Fred Belknap who posted on the SMC forum that he received his Grizzly G0698 and got it set up, and he is happy with his. He really likes it, and feels good about his purchase.
I mentioned that I guess lathes are a bit like time a guy who worked at an auto plant told me.......don't buy a car built on Monday mornings [the employees have hangovers from the weekend]
and don't buy one built on Friday afternoons [the employees are anxious to get out of the plant and start the weekend, and sometimes take shortcuts and leave out parts]
I guess my lathe was built on a good day, because mine so far has been great.
They all should be that way!!!
Always nice to hear the good reports because out of thousands of lathes (or any other kind of tool) we always hear lots of discussion about an occasional bad one compared to how many good ones are actually made but seldom hear about all the good ones.
Guess all the people with the good ones are too busy turning on them and don't have time to tell about how much they are enjoying it.
Works the same way with any make or model. .
On the other hand , it's best we don't hear from ALL the good ones or we wouldnt have time to read it all because it would be pages of long lists of similar great reports.![]()
I talked with the freight company today and my Griz G0698 is indeed on its way and will be delivered next Monday, 12/13. I am so looking forward to this and will post news on how this particular specimen performs. I have the spot all cleared out in the shop for it to reside and barring any problems should be up and running early next week. Thanks to all for your posts and with helping me make the decision to "just do it". David
Good point William! Thanks for your perspective.........I wonder how many units of the 18x47 are out there in workshops around the world? Even here in North America?
Do you, in your personal opinion think that there are any more problems with this lineup per 100 units than there are say with the Jet or maybe the Nova?
.I talked with the freight company today and my Griz G0698 is indeed on its way and will be delivered next Monday, 12/13. I am so looking forward to this and will post news on how this particular specimen performs. I have the spot all cleared out in the shop for it to reside and barring any problems should be up and running early next week. Thanks to all for your posts and with helping me make the decision to "just do it". David
Don't forget to save the shipping crate for when you have to send it back
You have no clue on true numbers. It is a lathe that doesn't compare to a jet or a powermatic. It is like buying a tool from harbor freight.
Laguna told me that the last batch of lathes that came in was a container load. They also shipped a container load back....what does that tell you?
After some pins and needles I got my Grizzly lathe yesterday at about 5pm. Got it uncrated, assembled, cleaned up and plugged in. I know crap happens but this particular one seems to be a good one and a keeper. I actually managed to get it assembled single handed. My back was a little sore at bedtime but I tried to use good lifting techniques and I feel fine today. I did do as others have done and worked a little on the ways. They are not as polished as what we used to see on a Powermatic table saw but they appear to be nice and flat. First thing I did was slap a couple of centers in the head and tail stocks then ran them together, PERFECT. Plugged it in and turned it on and it worked great. Installed a chuck and put in a piece of wood and started turning. I am happy and I think I will continue to be happy. Roger and other owners were a big help in my decision and I thank you. David
Roger, I am not sure just what it is that has changed but my instruction book came with a supplemental electric sheet so I assume that they have made changes, hopefully improvements. David
This thread has been going on so long, I can't help but wonder what type of affiliation you have with Grizzly.
Personally, I would not buy any lathe other than a VicMarc or a OneWay.
I have had a VicMarc for 7 years and love it.
Save your money until you can step o\up to a VicMarc or a One Way.