Finished a small Marblewood bowl last night.
Workability: Tends to be difficult to work on account of its high density. Marblewood can have a moderate to severe blunting effect on tool cutters. Glues, turns, and finishes well—though there is a high risk of checking and resin exudation during drying.
Comments: The high contrast between the golden body and the much darker streaks give it an appearance somewhat similar to natural marble, hence the common name of “Marblewood” for this species. Marblewood’s overall appearance is very similar to
Zebrawood, though Marblewood tends to have a slightly finer texture.
Common Name(s): Marblewood, Angelim Rajado
Scientific Name: Zygia racemosa (syn. Marmaroxylon racemosum)
Distribution: Northeastern South America
Tree Size: 65-100 ft (20-30 m) tall, 1-2 ft (.3-.6 m) trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 63 lbs/ft3 (1,005 kg/m3)
Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .77, 1.00
Janka Hardness: 2,530 lbf (11,250 N)
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