• March 2025 Turning Challenge: Identical Bowls or Plates! (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Ethan Hoff for "Zigzag Basket Illusion Platter" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 10, 2025 (click here for details)
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This site not used. Why?


I'm not exactly clear where we swerved from talking about site traffic and lost control and ended up looking into the on coming headlights of just what constitutes turning. However, ............

if we study the masters of painting, music, or any artistic endevor most masters were and are not static, they had periods where they did one type of thing, and then changed or grew their ability:cool2:
This is going way off topic with people going on the defensive and trying to get the last word in.
George, and Hstudio, DROP IT, NOW.

Ken......PM sent

Martin .....I agree with your assessment.

For what it is worth, I have requested to be purged from the AAW forum. I just can't seem to be able to explain myself to "other parties" and don't want to waste anymore effort making the futile attempt to defend a contrived perception of me. I made no personal attacks.

So I have edited out all of my posts within this thread. With this, I'm going into self imposed exile and request that my membership be cleared from the system. I really hate gettin' into a pissin' match over a misunderstanding and flawed analysis.
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A sad event

I have requested to be purged from the AAW forum.

How sad this thread has been, here we are trying to figure out how to get more users, and we loose one in the process. For what???

We must learn from this thread how not to treat our fellow turners, regardless their level of expertise, if we ever expect to see more activity.

I'm done.
How sad this thread has been, here we are trying to figure out how to get more users, and we loose one in the process. For what???

We must learn from this thread how not to treat our fellow turners, regardless their level of expertise, if we ever expect to see more activity.

I'm done.
It seems that I am going to have to carry the weight for this one...
I THOUGHT that I was taking up for myself and others in responding to what seemed to me to be arrogant insensitive remarks. As I said, if his statements were harmless and I took them out of context, then I was wrong...
Unfortunately, unless I'm completely crazy, if guys like that, making remarks like his were to be "normal" on these boards, that would keep me from spending any time here and/or from recommending that anyone else should.
If I'm wrong, PLEASE tell me and I'll drop off too, to prevent myself from causing any more damage, that was NOT what I was trying to do.
Here's my take on the subject, entirely of my own opinion without any directives from "higher ups"---

The AAW forums are for discussion of woodturning-related topics, and are not intended as a platform for voicing personal issues with other forum members. Such issues are best dealt with privately, ignored, or brought to the attention of a moderator. That's what we are here for. Critical or inflammatory remarks directed at other members are not appropriate on any civil public forum.

See that little red triangle icon with the exclamation point, up on the right of each message? That's a direct hotline to Steve and I, for reporting innapropriate posts. Make sure you click the offending post's icon and not your own :D

As far as I'm concerned, everything's cool as long as discussions are kept on topic. Woodturning, remember?
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It seems that I am going to have to carry the weight for this one...

I think plenty of people (including me) agree with your statements.
For me, being a member (not "user") implies a degree of give and take.
A new turner may not have a lot to offer, and that is fine!
But by the time a member is at a certain level of competence, it offends my sense of community for them to take, but not give.

Leaving this thread cluttered with blank multi-line emails instead of deleting them says a lot to me!
Well, this forum does take a little time to learn. Not only the mechanics, but just discovering how much information one can find here. I'm on other non-turning forums and they, too, have their quirks. Difficult? Naw. I've only been turning two years, off and on, and you if wanna hear about difficult, just as me about my learning the skew, or ask how much tool steel I wasted learning to sharpen the fingernail bowl gouge. Forum navigation is a piece of cake!

I come here because the AAW magazine is beyond my skills and even my intersts at this time. Very little of the magazine is directed toward neophytes, IMO. But, by using the search feature here, I've been able to find answers to most of my questions. Agreed, it's not always been simple, but I can't tell you how many times I've found great information on a related topics while searching for an answer. It's like searching in a dictionary. I've started with the purpose of finding information about one word, and I find myself still browsing others an hour later.

I asked one queston about the PM 4224, and I've received a great amount of helpful information. I think it would be the same for any other question I ask.

Thus far, the only suggestion I would make is for a more organized set of topics. For example, all posts and questions re sharpening tools should be posted in one place. (You see, I'm still p***** about all that tool steel I left on the shop floor!) Another heading could be finishing on the lathe. Another spindle turning. Another end-grain turning. Etc.

Many other forums have moderators who will move a post to the appropriate topic for the sake of good organization.

Finally, the experienced woodturners on this forum have to remember how many of us new turners are here searching for help and don't feel qualified to post anything other than questions.
Let's move on...

I suggest that the moderators delete this entire thread.

Recently I commented to my wife how much I enjoy the professional manner in which this site runs (or is run). I've been lurking here for about six months, ever since I started struggling with the lathe and it has been a great benefit to me. I have used it mostly in "Search" mode because I'm in a learning process. I believe this is the first time I've seen tempers flare and it's unfortunate, but we need to get back on the positive track and put it behind us.
Oh, Chuck, it would be a shame to delete this entire thread. There are a number of excellent posts with some good information. The few that got personal are to be expected and should be ignored.

Like any family gathering, there's always Uncle Oscar bragging, Aunt Tillie telling him to shut up, Cousin Lester asking them both to just "forget it and have a good time". I doubt other family members would refuse to go to Mom's for dinner because these people are going to be there. A little perspective here.

Two posters having a personality conflict should NOT have any effect (or affect) on each of our individual feelings about the AAW forum in general. That would be foolish. We're reading typed words and I would bet if 10 of us got on the phone, there'd be 10 different interpretations of what these posters really meant.

Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving. I will! :)
Oh, Chuck, it would be a shame to delete this entire thread. There are a number of excellent posts with some good information. The few that got personal are to be expected and should be ignored.

Like any family gathering, there's always Uncle Oscar bragging, Aunt Tillie telling him to shut up, Cousin Lester asking them both to just "forget it and have a good time". I doubt other family members would refuse to go to Mom's for dinner because these people are going to be there. A little perspective here.

Two posters having a personality conflict should NOT have any effect (or affect) on each of our individual feelings about the AAW forum in general. That would be foolish. We're reading typed words and I would bet if 10 of us got on the phone, there'd be 10 different interpretations of what these posters really meant.

Hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving. I will! :)

Thank you Ruth, a voice of reason. Like it or not this forum, and many others, is like a very large family in a small house. Sooner or later a couple of members are going to chafe at something someone else has said/done.