john lucas
AAW Forum Expert
I agree Kurt we are hashing over the same things and I apologize and will go on to more peacefull things.
First, your premise is a bit faulty in comparing the IG to the balance of a Symposium's activities.
You query as to Kama Sutra does raise some interesting possibilities which I may just keep in mind for a future show 😉, especially since the book's illustrations have been hailed as high art. However, I've been to several Symposium IGs and have viewed photo albums of many more. There have been any number of them with either phallic or vulvic representations (or both) on display in varying degrees of disguise that would not require Mssrs. Freud or Fellini to figure out. No hew and cry was raised at any of them. Is this perhaps like the difference between the Boy Scouts' 3-finger salute and the "Bird" where all you have to do is "read between the lines?"
Next years IG is gonna be interesting. :cool2:
Wanna bet this bru ha ha increases the number of 'statement' pieces on display next year?
Any takers. 😀
Yep, it's gonna likely be the most diverse, interesting IG yet.
the "Free Speech" excuse for their inability to stand up and do what was right.
I get the impression that some of us are just against "Free Speech" or the idea of it when it conflicts with our own standards, beliefs, ideology.the "free speech" buzzword out there as a justification.
You could try a book store or a Public Library 😱John - I'm already in "Artiste" mode and I've never felt more alive or intellectually liberated. I've assembled almost all my embellishing tools (chainsaw, claw hammer, various cans of spray paint, my old pump blow torch, various animal by-products and lima beans). I'm still checking with all my friends to find someone with a really high caliber (preferably fully automatic) gun to add those distinctive finishing touches.
I thought it would be easier to find a copy of Mao's little red book, but that has proved to be somewhat of a problem for me. I'll keep working on it.
The thing I think you are missing here (for me) is the seeming authority your statements have - that they are "responsible," that you have the gravitas to direct where people can or can't use their "freedoms" (doesn't sound too free to me).George,
With Freedom comes Responsibility. I was simply asking for the responsibility to be invoked.
You have conveniently overlooked that I said that people could post whatever they want on the walls outside the IG, thereby exercising their free speech rights.
If you are refering to me, rave on... So long as I have the right to respond, clarify, counter claim, etc, I will continue to agree with you where I can and disagree where I must.Why is it that those who holler "Free Speech!" the loudest often mean "Free speech for me, but not for you"?
To me, the religious nuts who demonstrate at the funerals of service men or women cross the line of Free Speech in the most egregious manner possible.
See, to ME, those "people" look like target practice. Their "religious/ideological" statements strike me as anti-American, anti-human, terrorist death threats. (how's THAT for a point of view?)😀To me, the religious nuts who demonstrate at the funerals of service men or women cross the line of Free Speech in the most egregious manner possible.
Ditto on that one, and if they ever do it near me they are going to learn the consequences of free speech.
'By supporting the AAW...' I'm not, exactly - I'm supporting me. And I'm supporting a vision of woodturning shared or supported, hopefully, by the membership. At the point that our views diverge, supporting the AAW is shooting myself in the foot. As long as there is a healthy amount of real turning knowledge here there isn't a problem. But I've read through a number of issues where I really had to look to figure out how turning had anything to do with it. Why would I want to support that trend? My biggest influence here is my membership, I need to vote with that. It's been a long time since I've seen an article in the Journal about turning thin walled vessels, or avoiding tear-out, or... Well, you get my drift.
Last, you describe a procession of skill building and posit it as good. And that's hardly the only possible path. I could make pens, bowls, and vessels happily for the rest of my life. I may choose many ways of ornamenting the turning, but it would never become the whole purpose of the work. Let's face it, cabinetry is also woodcarving. Except if you wander over to a woodcarver's forum. The reason for organizations around specific disciplines is to focus on the health of those disciplines, not to morph into the next hot thing. I do other forms of woodwork and I belong to those organizations as well.
... a law degree does not also confer the gift of prescience nor membership in Menza.