@ Brian
Let me make myself clear.
The special meeting that was supposed to be held on 8/28 would have cost around $40,000.
Imagine, every time a group of 20 members decided they didn't like a director that a special meeting would have to be called. How many special meetings do you think AAW afford? Now imagine the events of the last two months repeat over and over again because of 20 members.
Yes, we are working on solutions on how members can remove directors in both an orderly fashion and without breaking the bank.
1. No special meeting is required - hence no cost to AAW. The twenty fully paid up members with X years standing don't even have to meet, provided that they sign the petition in their own fair hand.
2. ' ... decided they didn't like a director ...' NO! They would need a cause defined in the Bylaws; not merely you didn't vote with me, unlike now. ONLY when there is a defined cause eg theft, sexual harressment, disrupting the meeting after a written warning by the Chair etc etc. would this method of removal be available to members.
Brian Finney