Oops, first attempt was a disaster! I was worried about mixing too much cabisil so I used too small of measurements and it started setting before I was done. Lesson learned!I mix my best guess at enough to do the whole thing.... but it's OK to mix small amounts too if you're not sure on consistency etc or want to take your time or practice. My method of applying the goop is crude and quick, just a couple of minutes to apply it. I just use a giant popsicle stick and shove it in the gaps. Make sure to mix it thick enough that a big dollop of it will stay attached to your stick and not drop off. I apply it with the vase on the lathe - inevitably some of the epoxy will end up on the underside and you don't want it to sag out of the gaps. My pattern pieces are usually only about 3mm thick too so the depth of the epoxy is only 3mm.
Anyway, I'm thinking about using the sawdust from my collector. Is that too fine of a filler? Also, will the black mica mask the color (tan) or will it look like I have fine sprinkles?
*That cabosil really grayed up the first attempt