OK, so I'm a newb to the AAW, the website and all, but if people are really anxious to digest the latest and greatest woodturning magazine, why not just make it available online to subscribers? Potentially one could even offer a membership discount to those who only require the online version of the magazine. More enviroment/tree friendly, etc etc.
Of course, I'm like the rest of you and enjoy having the real thing in my hands both now and at future times when I want to re-read an article. Not to mention the diffcituly of getting the internet in the bathroom (not impossible in todays wireless world of course!).
As a scientist, I face this issue every day. There are a number of papers that I want/need to read and I find it so much easier to read them with the actual piece of paper in my hands. If I really printed all that stuff out it would be several hundred pages a week and my conscience cant cope with that amount of paper, which is often only 'read' once. As a consequence, I have been forcing myself to read most things on screen using adobe acrobat or whatever. Its an adjustment for sure, but not impossible. If I go back to the same article more than a couple of times, I print it out as something I will probably refer to in the future. The number of things I actually print is a small fraction of what I read. In these days of cheap laser printers and photo printers, I suspect most of us (on these forums at least), has the ability to print articles from the magaine almost as well as they look in the magazine itself.
In fact, while we are being Utopian, maybe for people that get the mag online only the AAW can just send them a nice turning log of their choice every so often as recompense!