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Why so little critiquing?


Angelo and Steve (and the rest of our web crew), is there a need to provide a clear way to ask for advice on a piece? I took Steve's suggestion about adding the word critique to your piece's title or elsewhere, but in examining that idea I noticed that with the new Forum/gallery combo page design all you see below the a gallery entry is the persons name on one line, and a set of 3 dots on the next. To see if someone wanted a critique you would need to open each photo. Kind of awkward. Not horrible though.
You can't edit the titles of your Gallery posts after the fact?

Check out my album (see sig below) -- I added the word [Critique] to the title to my last piece. Could be it's my moderator privileges that allow me to do that, I don't know...

Addendum: Ahh, I see what you mean. You have to open the Member's Galleries to see the title!
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Make it easy on yourself, Ed. Ignore such "ratings" that are not accompanied by validating reasoning and analysis. After all, It might have been a typo with the intent to enter a "10" but the zero not getting input properly. For you to get this upset over something so trivial is a waste of your time.

Either way, if you're so prone to ascribe cruelty and meaness to such an occurrance, you might be better off not sharing your work in an open forum context likely to draw such responses. The Internet can be a casually cruel place where "trolls" abound. Don't offer yourself as a target unless your willing to weather a ding or two. I've certainly gotten my share, perhaps more, but I'm still here. But I also post very little of my work online since I don't need "atta-boy" comments, and the kind of detailed analysis I could really use would not happen, whether here or on any other website that I've ever found. Plus my photography sucks :o

Besides, us Joisy Boyz is s'posed have attitude. So like, flip'em off, badabing badaboop, and move on, aw'rite? :D

Why So Little Critiquing

I was very surprised when I read your post. As a result, I spent some time researching to determine who the individual was, and to see if I could determine any justification for such an action. There were a couple of things I did notice along the way:
- the number one thumb rating on a post is about 1" directly
above the 'post a comment' selector
- the individual in question has an extensive number of posts,
and in the entire time I have been reading said posts, I have
never seen one that was mean spirited, or even disrespectful
The reason I say this to you is that you know your work is not a '1'. You are producing some of the finest work on a number of websites, and the sequence of gallery photos you have here clearly show that you work hard at your craft. I would encourage you to entertain the possibility that this was simply a typo of some sort, an oversight, and not someone being cruel.
A few days ago I went to my AAW gallery to see if any comments had been left about a new piece I posted. I noticed someone had left what I thought was a comment on an old piece in my gallery. When I opened the old photo, I was horrified. Someone rated this plain simple bowl with a "1" but did not say why. What kind of mean person does such a thing? I could not imagine why anyone would be so cruel. The least he could have done was say why. I was so embarrassed I immediately deleted the photo which now I'm sorry I did.

The interesting thing is that this person leaves a signature with every post and a link to a web site where his personal photos can be seen. Now I'm starting to get angry. I want too know who he is and see his work. I went looking for his AAW gallery and could not find one picture. Did I do something to anger him? I seldom comment here and never have had any conversation with him. What exactly is going on?

I decided to take the bait and follow his link to the picturetrail web site. Along with personal photos were photos of his work. I understood why he didn't have a gallery here. I decided to just let it go and move on.

After reading his posts on the why so little critiquing subject, I further understood why he doesn't have a gallery here. I can't be quite any longer. Why does he use this forum to punish others who have the courage to put their work out for critique? In his own words, "I could care less what anyone else thinks of my "artwork"......and my satisfaction in what I do isn't based on any group think mentality."

Quite frankly, I think he does care what others think but doesn't have the courage to put his work on the line for critique. No guts, no glory!

I have no problem with ANYONE critiquing my work. I don't believe in ratings because they serve no purpose. What does serve a purpose are words describing why someone likes or dislikes a work.

I have a problem with a rating system that allows this to happen. I think the AAW should remove the rating system and encourage critiques.

Ed Koenig


Well......I'm not sure what happened, but I can assure you I wouldn't give you, or anyone for that matter, a rating of "1" on purpose. I can't imagine myself ever doing that.......and even if I did, I certainly wouldn't give it without an explanation.

This isn't my style.

If I intended to give a rating at all, it would probably be praise.

Actually, you are wrong about one thing.....my work is available for anyone to see, anytime they want. My work may not be on an AAW forum gallery, but it's there none-the-less. If you, or anyone wished to give a critique of my work......go for it.....I will listen to whatever anyone has to say, but like I said before, I am the ONLY one I need to satisfy......and I'll add that I'm probably the world's toughest critic on myself.

Again, it was a mistake, and I apologize for the mistaken rating......it was purely unintentional.

otis of cologne
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What a revolting development this is. I think I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for jumping the gun.

Thanks for putting it into perspective for me. You're a good man.

After I read your post I had a good laugh and felt very foolish. Thanks for waking me up.

What a revolting development this is. I think I owe you an apology. I'm sorry for jumping the gun.

Thanks for putting it into perspective for me. You're a good man.

After I read your post I had a good laugh and felt very foolish. Thanks for waking me up.


Hey.....no problem, Ed.......

I do understand how you came to interpret my mistake.

For what it's worth, I am a great admirer of your work.

You and I have very different styles.....I'm not trying to do work like yours.....and obviously you don't intend to do work like mine.

There's no reason why either of us can't appreciate the artistic aspirations of the other......I do yours, I know that.

otis of cologne
artistic vs utility

Mark and others- I am utilitarian. Thinness to show we can do it may be too fragile to use-certainly risky to send in the mail or to carry on the plane for a hospitality gift. At a demo by Hosauluk, he made a large round bottom bowl because it has an esthetic appeal to him. However, when he was done and set it on the table it rocked terribly, but said "it won't tip over". If I had guests use this they would suddenly lurch to "save" the food from launching. I think "thick is fine and bases are fine. My bowls the last few years are much less clunky, but usually useful. Gretch
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Careful . . .

Mark and others- I am utilitarian. Thinness to show we can do it may be too fragile to usecdertainly risky to send iin the mail or to carry on the plane for a hospitality gift. At a demo by Hosauluk, he made a large round bottom bowl because it has an esthetic appeal to him. However, when he was done and set it on the table it rocked terribly, but said "it won't tip over". If I had guests use this they would suddenly lurch to "save" the food from launching. I think "thick is fine and bases are fine. My bowls the last few years are much less clunky, but usually useful. Gretch


If you don't watch out, you'll push this thread into another "Art vs. Craft" thing and it'll go sub-orbital in responses with branches to "Art For Art's Sake" and "Selling Out Aesthetics For Mere Money" and somebody's going to get pissed at perceived elitist comments. :D :D

I wrote that knowing full well that my comment may help produce the very thing I'm trying to avoid.:rolleyes:

If you don't watch out, you'll push this thread into another "Art vs. Craft" thing and it'll go sub-orbital in responses with branches to "Art For Art's Sake" and "Selling Out Aesthetics For Mere Money" and somebody's going to get pissed at perceived elitist comments. :D :D

I wrote that knowing full well that my comment may help produce the very thing I'm trying to avoid.:rolleyes:

Nuh Unh!!!!!