Anyone who's "obsessive" about polishing the toolrest would certainly be able to find fault with a magnetized tool. I think the first and last time I filed my rest was when I bought the lathe. Had some souvenirs from the previous owner. Five years on, and the tool slides without a bounce. I'm obsessive about keeping control of the tool, which means on the rest, and working finesse from the end of the handle with mechanical advantage, not my fingers.
MM, John.......
I think both of you make valid points. The real truths you speak are somewhere in the middle.
It's not a bad idea to polish the tool rests, but the ones that are cast are probably more in need than those that are made from harder metals. I wouldn't consider it "obsessive", but I do polish the tool rests every year, or two. If I put a nick on the tool rest (which hasn't happened for quite a long time, knock on wood!), I will take care of that, immediately.
MM.....mechanical advantage is a great thing, but I wouldn't discount the upside of using your fingers to give you some amount of control. After all, it's your fingers that are a direct link to the artist!
