Back to tools… I make mostly bowls, spindle work, and small doodads. Deep hollowing isn’t something that’s interested me. I have adopted a personal mantra that less is better. I believe I have few turning tools compared with most folks who’ve been turning more than 5-10 years. If I were to count it would probably be about 15, 20 max. Of that selection, only 1/2 get used regularly. Whenever I look at catalogs or browse turning tools at stores, I just can’t justify adding another when what I have does just fine. Part of that is a financial consideration but I think a majority is that I can do what I need with the moderate, run-of-the-mill selection of what I have.
Emiliano, this is a great basis for any demo. Good on ya!
I'm afraid when beginners come to the club meetings they are worry they need as many tools as I have accumulated in over 20 years of turning!! I make a point of doing a demo where I turn a bowl with just one tool, a David Ellsworth gouge.
Emiliano, this is a great basis for any demo. Good on ya!