You have many more design opportunities with a tenon than with a recess...
True......A recess also creates a spot that's difficult for tool access, and sand.....
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You have many more design opportunities with a tenon than with a recess...
I had the square scraper pushing straight in from the tailstock and just whilttling the edge down to level in multiple passes. The surface was too bumpy to work well with a gouge without putting too much lateral stress on it. I was only taking a 16th to a 32nd at a time.Hello Gary.....I'm having a little difficulty understanding exactly what you were doing. Were you attempting to part away the tenon, while the bowl was held by both headstock and tailstock support? If that is so, then did you use two passes, so that the part gap was substantially larger than the width of the tool? If yes, and then no, the combination of these two things could be disastrous.
Thanks, that is good visual input.There are several articles like this out there but this one shows the chuck and may be helpful.[1].pdf
I read somewhere where something like 90 % of proffesional woodturners use a tenon, they recommend a tenon, and never use a recess...It's just my opinion, but I prefer using a tenon although I occasionally will use a mortise/recess. I don't feel like making a mortise saves much, if any wood, at least from the way that I prefer to finish a bottom. I don't feel like the bottom is finished unless it is shaped the way that I like it. Of course, that doesn't make my preference the "right" way, it's just my way.
If I need to conserve wood I use a waste block. I don't use waste blocks very often, but I just happen to have one now on a piece of maple and I'm hoping that the piece of brown paper bag will allow me to remove the waste block when I want to and not any sooner.
You are talking about the recess right? also creates a spot that's difficult for tool access, and sand.....
You are talking about the recess right?
Check out Robo's video's--which I love!!! And he's as big a pro as there is IMOI read somewhere where something like 90 % of proffesional woodturners use a tenon, they recommend a tenon, and never use a recess...
really??, I got a little drawing here that is supposed to be a half log that I’m going to turn into a bowl, I can turn the 2 orange showing parts away and have a tenon, good, or I can turn away that center part and I have a recess, so either on will use the same amount of wood, and later I can turn the foot either way, and have the bowl sit stable.
Leo nice diagram. I like the way you show A design in which both the mortis and the tenon are in the waste wood.
It both shows how well a Mortis can work and also that it is limited to designs that work with the mortis hole.
One feature of the tenon is that wood inside the tenon can be part of the turning.
I used your log diagram to show the foot being turned inside the tenon and a bark edge bowl with a round bottom that goes into the tenon.
As for a natural edge turning, one can use a recess just as well as a tenon