I was looking at the NOVA Comet 14 DR just today as my old lathe is OOS. I’ve heard nothing but good about NOVA and was also thinking about a new chuck at the same time. The price seems right but IDK about the 1 hp for using a forstner bit, it would choke down my 3/4 hp motor quick.
Any other recommendations around that $750 price range? How is the NOVA customer service?
So, you are now hearing something bad about Nova. Take that Comet 14DR and toss it off the tallest cliff you can find. I've now owned four different lathes. I've used several others. Nova, Wen, Laguna, Powermatic, Robust, Vicmark, Delta. Including a Wen 14x20. The Comet 14DR was, BY FAR, the single worst lathe I've ever laid eyes on or had the displeasure of using, hand down, no contest. I still have mine. Its gathering dust in a corner somewhere. I strongly, strongly, recommend you avoid this lathe. Even the Wen is more reliable and operates better. In fact, I purchased the Wen in November 2020, midway through the episode outlined below. The Wen is still running strong. I accidentally snapped the RPM gauge line, and had to replace it, but otherwise I've not really found any issues with the build. I guess the only mechanical issue is, near the end of the ways, the tailstock does not clamp on very tightly. There appears to be a very slight taper to the thickness of the ways, from about midway or so, to the end. Depending on what I'm turning, I'll adjust the nut on the bottom of the friction plate to account for this. Otherwise, the Wen 20x14, which is basically the same thing as the Comet 14DR, has been a vastly superior lathe, and I generally turn most of my smaller things on it. (I also have a powermatic, so I know well enough, the difference between a truly good lathe, and the Wen...in part I jest, but its kind of the same difference between the Wen and the Nova Comet 14DR...

This lathe lead me to the single most....well, weird, strange, and disturbing tech support saga I've ever had as well. This was late 2020, through early 2021. Whatever has resulted in this bankruptsy now, I suspect may have been going on back in 2020. I have honestly never had a more disconcerting, disconnected, disjoint, and confusing interaction with tech support, than the several calls I had with them back in late 2020. My 14DR had been having problems since early summer, and I had only bought it in February that year, 2020. The lathe started having problems running the motor. Teknatool insisted it was a control box issue, and ultimately sent out four entire control box replacements, spanning a period of several months, before I finally started getting irate and told them they had to look elsewhere, as not one of the four (nor the original) did anything to resolve the issue, and it had remained the same across all of them. They finally put me on with their "main" tech guy, and I don't know if the guy was just completely overwhelmed by an untennable amount of work (whcih I think he mentioned...but, I couldn't really tell, as you'll understand shortly), or if he was just completely without sleep (I've been there...but, not at work), or if he was wildly strung out on drugs....or perhaps all three. In any case, the conversations with this guy, which spanned a period of several hours and a few different calls, were the most disjoint conversations I think I've ever had. The guy would start saying something, suddenly and instantly switch to saying something else on a totally different subject, then switch to something else, then suddenly continue back on one of the earlier conversations as if it had never stopped. I was at one point both impressed, and a little sad for the guy...he seemed to be keeping everything strait in his head, but on my end, it was the most confusing jumble. That guy, over a very long period of time, walked me through a few different procedures to check electrical, verify and fix the configuration of each control board, etc. In the end, despite the monumental (truly monumental) effort, nothing changed. I finally ended up getting an RMA from them, and I guess this was about mid september, and shipped the lathe off to them. After a couple of initial communication emails thorough the end of september, I lost all communications with them. They did not respond to emails, calls, nothing. I had no news on my lathe, which they said might take a month to fix. They just completely ghosted me. It wasn't until about February 2021, that suddenly there was a big package at my doorstep. It was after some more effort, that I finally managed to get ahold of someone, and they said they ended up having to take apart and rebuild the entire lathe, piece by piece, and I guess they found SEVERAL bad parts??
In any case...I had written the lathe off! By the end of November, I bought the Wen. Then I bought a Laguna, which also had problems within its first year, and Laguna legit ghosted me right in the middle of attempts to resolve the issues. They just vanished. Their tech support seemed fine, in comparison to the oddity that was Nova's tech support. I don't know what happened to that poor guy, but, I hope he quit and got as far away from them as possible, as it seemed like they were at the time innundated with technical support issues (which was actually mentioned by several different people early on when I was just getting the RMA going), and I suspect that is why it took them....eh, I guess about 5 months in total, to get to fixing my lathe and get it back to me, and I guess the total communications blackout? In any case, something crazy was going on with them in 2020/2021...and I dunno, maybe it lead to the current bankruptcy.
FWIW, I've never used the larger direct drive Nova lathe. With regards to that, I too, have heard nothing but good things. That, and Nova's drill press. Both seem to be well respected and well loved by all their users...I don't think I've ever heard anyone complain. This is a story specifically about their entry level Comet 14DR. The 14DR is a WILDLY different kind of device, its the most cheaply built lathe I've ever seen (you would think Wen would be, too, but I've owned numerous Wen products and they are generally quite good, and I don't think I ever really have any issues with them.) The 14DR is not the same build, finish, or general quality of the higher end like Nebula or Neptune. Its like it was subcontracted out to an entirely different manufacturer, as I don't know that there is anything similar between the 14DR and any other Nova product...

In any case....beware. You have been warned. I'd explore your options before getting a 14DR, and I mean EVERY option.