Does anyone have, or know of a live center with a shorter center point or spring point (still with ring around it).
I sometimes make non-pointed attachments I use with the Nova live center, a short #2 Morse Taper:
I'll often make a pressure center with a flat end or a flat end with a bit of leather or something against the wood.
However, like you, unless I just want the pressure I usually want the point for alignment. I haven't thought about how to make an attachment with a spring-loaded point but it might not be too difficult if you have a metal cutting lathe. (Makes me want to try one!)
If you knock out the center point of the Oneway live center (and clones) you can turn things with a #0 MT to fit. It should be fairly easy to make a short brass point. (or just waste a Oneway/clone live center point and grind it down short.)
But for most spindles, especially thin spindles, I like the Sorby Steb centers the best. The point is spring-loaded for alignment, then retracts out of the way and doesn't force a hole into the wood. These springl-loaded points are also great when turning a thin spindle from a hard wood like ebony or lignum vitae, or for soft or brittle wood which may split if a thin spindle is held with a non-spring-loaded center.
With the Steb I do waste a small amount of wood at the end of the spindle, maybe 1/8" or so which I cut away the end support when the spindle is completed. This wouldn't be needed on a bowl with a short short tenon - just cut it away then clean up with a hand scraper.
Also, I recently bought an Axminster drive center to evaluate, cheaper than the Steb. It not only has a spring loaded point but the point has adjustable spring pressure by means of a screw in the back. If they also make a live center, I suspect it will also have the adjustable point.