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Sharpening Handbook


Super Moderator
Staff member
OTI Member
Mar 13, 2016
Marysville, OH
I’ve compiled a lot of sharpening information on the Sharpening Handbook. The goal of the site is not to teach sharpening; rather the site is meant as a reference for those who already know how to sharpen specific tools. It meant to mirror the value provided for machinists by
Information presented on the Sharpening Handbook is given without any commercial gain. You don’t need a membership, there are no ads, and I don’t track or sell usage. God has been very good to me and my family, and this is a way of giving back in a small way.

If you have ideas or thoughts, please send them to me. I want this to be a quick reference for sharpening, and notes that help make that faster or more effective would be greatly appreciated (and will probably be added).

I have only shown information for tools I sharpen, or information given to me by others who sharpen their own tools. If you have information about tools not shown, please do send them to me so they can be added.
Jul 14, 2020
Ocala, Fl
Rich, I originally found The Sharpening Handbook via the Tormek forum. It’s my go to source whenever I have a question about sharpening. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into it and for posting the link to it here. Bill