Another thing I didn't mention about my grinding setup choices - they reflect what I like mostly to turn. I almost always turn dry wood, hard wood with very fine grain, often spindle oriented, and aim for cuts that need little or no sanding, maybe a but of 600 grit by hand. I do no power sanding with rotating disks on bowls or platters. I think some of this is easier with the wheel grits I choose.
As an example, the Holly finial was straight off the tool, zero sanding. The gouges and skews need sharp, stropped, and polished edges.
I think I had to touch up the ebony finial with 800 grit sandpaper.

For larger things, I still want razor sharp tools but usually need to smooth with hand scrapers before sanding with fine grit.
The piece needed only 600 grit after shaping. Granted, it is made of cedar, relatively soft. But in years past I did a lot more sanding on pieces like this.

Those who turn differently, for example large green once and twice-turned pieces, furniture legs and such, may have no use for my selection of CBN wheels and may prefer different sharpening methods and grits. Good thing we have so many options these days!
BTW, I do have two other bench grinders in my shop with conventional grinding wheels, one with a wire brush and a very coarse wheel in my welding shop, and a RIkon with a couple of the blue Norton 3x wheels. I don't use these for lathe tools but for other things I don't want to grind with CBN.
One suggestion if using traditional grinding wheels: the Oneway wheel balancing kit is amazing, hate to be without it. Well worth the cost.
John what don't you like about the varigrind 2 jig? I have one not sure I like it either. Thinking about getting the original varigrind jig.
Norm, from my experience it keeps most of the grind in or near the center of the wheel, depending on the stickout. This is great for those who have trouble controlling a standard jig because it won't let you accidentally slide the tool off the edge of the wheel and scar it up or at least give you a fright. However, again in my experience, it tends to wear down the center of the wheel. Maybe I didn't learn to use it properly but from reading the manuals carefully I don't see how it could work differently. I didn't like the potentially haphazard method of setting the angle either.
If you want to try one, maybe you can buy from a dealer who will accept returns if you don't like it. Or find a used one for cheap. Or maybe you will like it!
I keep several of the original varigrind jigs, one updated with a little kit they offered at one time. I don't have the one made for large diameter tool shafts since I don't typially use them and can grind by hand if needed.
I have more comments about the Wolverine system in generat but maybe for another thread. I'll just give one:
get the mini platform! The large platform is way too big when sharpening tools by hand when the amount of tool left gets too small. I bougt two of the mini platforms and generally use only them.
Ok, another: cut off about half of that stupid long arm on the V-arm. Not needed unless you use their suggestiong to hold a long tool handle in the vee while sharpening spindle roughing gouges or skews with their skew jig. The geometry of sharping this way can lead to a destructive disaaster in certain situations. Some have experienced this the hard way.
OK, I quit now.