The point is not how many chucks and lathes I have (was 5 chucks per lathe) but that all my chucks in my estimation are as good as each other. So the first Vicmarcs were exact copies of the Nova, they opened and closed in the same directions as the Novas. Nova was the first woodturning chuck so all others open and close in the wrong direction Woodturners first mistake with a chuck is to grip wood with the jaws open instead of using the jaws as they are supposed to be used encircling the wood closest to a circle for the best holding power, that is why chuck manufacturers make a large variety of jaws. All my chucks turn smoothly. I'll bet that there are more turners using Novas than any other brand by a long shot and one of the reasons for that is that all the jaws fit all the chucks except for the jaws made for the Titan I and III only should be used on the Titan I and III. We know wood moves so when turning a bowl I always state that before you turn the bowl around to mount in your jaws to make your last cut on the tenon as the wood has moved since you first made that tenon. This gives you the truest running blank to start the second side. I understand that you paid big bucks so you feel it is the best as most woodturners feel that way but just because it costs more does not always make it better.