God fearing people who are concerned about science being proven. This is comedy gold!
Can we all say irony?
Well, since you are quoting me, maybe I can help you out some. Faith is
"...the conviction of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). I freely admit to that. But science - true science, is defined as:
"a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws". I took this definition from
I guess you think the irony is in a man of faith asking for proof in science. I can understand that, since you are not the first person to throw that in front of me. But since true science depends on proof, I would be silly to accept something that has not yet been proven
in the scientific realm. Faith and science are not mutually exclusive, but science requires the repeatability of observable phenomena that faith does not. And if someone cannot offer up that repeatability, then it is faith.
I'll even go as far as to say that I can accept that the planet is warming up. I just don't accept the popular political causes that attribute that warming to human activity. My statement that you quoted is probably not as precise as it would need to be for a scientist, but then, I am a religious artist, so what can I say.
Keep in mind now, I don't claim to prove, or need proof of, my Christian beliefs. Christianity does not require rigorous proof. In fact, the opposite is true. Our Lord Himself said you must have faith as a little child. Whether or not you want to accept or reject my belief is up to you. Actually, being that I am quite the Calvinist, I don't believe it is up to you.

But don't let what I believe bother you. I don't let what others believe on faith bother me, unless they try to impose those beliefs on me. At any rate I am glad I could give you a laugh. Some people think I am good at that.
What does all this have to do with woodturning? I have a great job. I get to go around and demonstrate for clubs all over the place. As part of that travel I get to stay in the homes of generous woodturners. And very often this stuff comes up, and we have had the most fascinating discussions, even when most of the time my host and I have conflicting beliefs. No one has been rude, and no one has been ridiculed. Maybe that is because it is face to face.