Kelly, I can respect your view as I started out in much the same way. However think of this :
1. If you had not seen someone else either use a method or create a unique piece would you have ever gotten there?
2. How much time (a valuable commodity even for us old retired) would you have spent solving the methodology w/o seeing others?
3. As you mention there is no "right vs wrong" it is the trip that counts.
4. What is the real point of beating a dead horse as he will not carry you anywhere?
5. If we cannot share (and you do that so are you now part of the herd....LOL) what is communication?
Just my perspective. Oh by the way never assume everyone is as smart as you or can do everything you can (a story in that I could tell). Some can only absorb and function at one level.
Lawrence.......I was turning for 24 years before I ever communicated in
ANY way, with any other turners at all,
EVER, the answer is yes......I could have, and
DID travel my own personal journey in turning. I know exactly what day it was when I first mingled thought with other turners, because it was right here, on this AAW forum, when that happened! By that time, I was already exhibiting my work in several art galleries. (I am now only pursuing online sales) It would be wrong to say that I haven't been influenced by other turners since that time, but I was well on my way to establishing my own personal techniques and procedures. It was a very secluded way of learning to turn. Prior to the time when I first reached out to contact other turners, I did do some rudimentary research through books, and a few of the early VHS videos, but the bulk of my knowledge was gotten by the way many turners did it in times of old.....when there was nothing but self determination for motivation.
There are some things I do in my shop that I feel are unique to me. To preserve that, I have never shared a few of these things with anyone else. These little "inventions", special home-made tools, and procedures that I'm unwilling to share..... are because I feel I'd lose my identity as a turner, if I did. (Sorry!
) These small unique things are mostly self-taught, and self-discovered from those early days......and the process continues to this day, with some more recent adjustments and revelations. I may re-evaluate my stubborn "attitude" about this at some point in the future, because I might wish to pass on to others everything I possibly can before I check-out of this world!.....and, then again, I may not!
The bottom line is this: I am willing and anxious to communicate, and share knowledge (within the above limitations)......and, I am open to ideas and knowledge from others........but, I am not willing to adjust to "herd think" on all possible levels.
The "herd" is something I keep at arm's length, because it is specifically what muddies my waters! (if, not for a better description
My bowl turning is strictly "on the lathe", and I seldom pursue embellishment. It's fine that others do embellishment, but it's not what I wish to do. (I do, and always have appreciated well done embellishment, though.) My beliefs in what "turning art" is, are not in line with much of "the herd". To my thinking, "turning art" is that which is done
ON the lathe. My directions are more in tune with what newbies do, before they decide to change course and pursue other things.....but, refined to a degree that I feel distinguishes me in some of the basics of bowl turning. This is simply because a very high percentage of turners today don't choose a sustained pursuit of the bowl turning basics with the same vigor and determination that I do. (This is not a hobby, or done simply for my own personal is my whole direction in life!