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removing bark?

many thanks to all for their replies, thoughts, and comments
and you've all confirmed my suspicions I would have possibly went at it the wrong way
thank god for these forums (the active ones at least) where a newb like me can get the advice needed from the experienced.

but, cheers to everyone who's taken the time to explain and point in the right direction :cool:
I'm very impressed with your enthusiasm and very worried if you're going to try to learn woodturning from this forum. If you're already past this point and know how to be safe at the lathe, please forgive me for speaking up. The folks here are very experienced and helpful, but there are serious safety issues in spinning wood on a lathe and you would be much better off to spend a half day with an experienced turner than hoping you'll ask all the right questions here. Your learning curve will be much accelerated and you'll also learn to avoid all kinds of things you might not realize can be dangerous.
Dean, no problem mate, and I appreciate the concern and the points you make

I've been working with wood in 1 fashion or another for over 30 years (custom cabinet/furniture maker)
am quite aware of the additional dangers working with a lathe presents
I spent well over 3 months trolling turning forums/websites, spent another 2 months watching turning videos (instructionals, and have watched them all several times over)
This is all before I decided to go ahead and try to expand my woodworking knowledge/capabilities.
I retain all the info I read/watch completely, and am a fast learner, as I have more than basic knowledge of woods, just not completely the tools ........
I come here and post questions when I'm not quite sure I'm going to do something right/wrong
I post before I have a chance to make these mistakes.
I'm not using the forum to "learn" , but to get additional advice that I won't make the wrong mistake ....

My 1st rule in shop is patience & safety first, above all else
and I'm taking it slowly as I progress.
so far have made 4 basic bowls, 5 candle holders, and about 3 dozen bottle stoppers .......
again progressing slowly, and haven't had a single kick-back, or anything fly off the chuck.
Just getting used to the tools and their proper functions.

But, I'd still would love to spend several days with a local turner, once I can find one, and that has the time.
I'm "semi" disabled and can't travel far, else I would have enrolled in nearest school
There is only 1 local turning club here, and I will be at it's next meeting to start getting networked.
Hopefully there I can find someone .....

hope that eases your concerns a bit, and you'll see plenty of "How do I do this properly" posts here on the forum
just because ya'll are so experienced, and willing to offer help and advice ;)
Class is worth the time

I have seen firsthand hundreds of people making a huge leap in skills and confidence from a week long class.
This translates to more enjoyment and creating work that pleases them more.

One thing to consider is a trip to Vegas for a Jimmy Clewes class.
Nevada is a big state but Maybe Vegas is manageable.

Jimmy is an excellent teacher and personalizes the instruction as well as anyone.
He can take you from wherever you are to a next level you will be proud of.

There are dozens of other great teachers too.
Jimmy is the closest that I know and he is great guy to be around.
I look forward to seeing him in Phoenix next June.

Thank You! very much hockenbery, I will definitely be booking the next available date!
I would prefer a class over the dvd's I've been viewing, nothing can replace a hands on experience.

I swear, I did several google searches and the only thing I found was Las Vegas Woodturners (he is not listed as a member),
they were the ones I was waiting to get together with, as they only meet once a month.
I searched strictly for schools/training also and closest found was in Arizona.
Don't understand why he never showed up in my searches :confused:
Jimmy is only 20-25 minutes away from me, I can definitely handle that kind of drive.

One of my next posts was going to be asking what dvd tutorials would help, but this is definitely much better.

again, thank you, I can't relay how grateful I am for his recommendation.

**edit** enrolled in class March 24-26 :cool:
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