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Reflections after a first year of woodturning

Feb 18, 2023
Orange, CA
Having collected wooden bowls and forms for four decades, the creative process always intrigued and mystified me. How is this done? As a surgeon, working with my hands is something I love and I could appreciate the artistry and craft involved in turning. A year ago, I had never seen a lathe, did not know what a chuck looked like or was used for, and was mystified about what a gouge did—the latter sounded like something used by medieval torturers. I joined the Orange County Woodturners before I had even started turning, started Google searching and watching YouTubes about woodturning.

My timing was fortuitous, as Dick Foreman, an elderly and well-respected woodturner, was turning in, so to speak. I bought his Powermatic 3520A, some gouges and chucks, and he threw in wood blanks and 30 years of woodturning magazines. An elderly patient sold me more tools and gave me more wood blanks. I took a course at Rockler, turning my first bowl with a carbide scraper. I took another class there. I took a couple more classes at Woodcraft. Needless to say, I was hooked. My wife had a wary look every time she opened the front door, as the newly purchased tools, stains, oils, and equipment started showing up sometimes several times a day.

I started attending the monthly Orange County Woodturners meetings, watching the demonstrations and listening, being motivated by the skills of so many. I learned about the club mentor program and was lucky enough to have Bill Haskell willing to assist me—I’ve been often to his home shop to learn many aspects of turning. He has patiently tolerated my endless questions and frequent visits, advancing my learning. Fred Wilmott, another mentor, has shown me bandsaw technique and setup. I took two classes in Las Vegas with Jimmy Clewes, the second a two day one-on-one that significantly advanced my primitive skills. I watch YouTube videos, dozens of them, recognizing that there are many ways to turn a bowl—and not all of them on that site work for me. Leland Wong, a woodturner with a machine shop, upgraded and modified my Powermatic, greatly improving its capabilities.

I joined AAW (American Association of Woodturners) and started participating with trepidation on their internet forum—my caveman turnings were well received with friendly advice like, “learn to sand.” But I’ve persisted, met many people who offer kind and helpful advice, leading to the amazing World of Woodturners internet site where incredible craftsmen (and women) daily post their amazing work, something to which to aspire, but so enjoyable to view. And there are several other very worthwhile internet woodturning sites. And I think I’m slowly improving at turning.

It’s been a year since I started this hobby; I’ve now turned about 90 bowls and a couple platters, giving away (and throwing away) all but a couple—the wife says we have enough bowls. I’m passionate about it now. I’m still a beginner, but at least the bowls no longer take flight from the lathe, fewer funnels are being made, and I’m usually keeping the inside smaller than the outside. It’s a wonderful hobby and pastime that has endless creative avenues. I expected the process to be interesting and fun. My expectations have been wildly exceeded. Sawdust and wood shavings are in my soul now, unfortunately in many other places as well.

I write this mostly for other beginners or those who just contemplate beginning to turn—and wondering where to turn. It does not need to be a lonely process as there are many sources for assistance in shortening the learning curve and maximizing the enjoyment—join the AAW, join your local turning club, watch videos, participate on the woodturning forums, and find a mentor. Most of all, turn.


Forum MVP
Beta Tester
Apr 27, 2004
Lakeland, Florida
Thanks for sharing your story

lucky enough to have Bill Haskell willing to assist me

took two classes in Las Vegas with Jimmy Clewes

recognizing that there are many ways to turn a bowl—and not all of them on that site work for me

Two fine people to spend time with.
Bill does fantastic work. jimmy is the best TEACHER I have had the pleasure of working with

You have chosen excellent guidance and realized a fundamental truth.
There are many ways to do most things in turning
Finding what works for you is a key to success.


Tom Gall

Feb 20, 2013
Hillsborough, NJ
Alan, you have made impressive progress after only one year. Congratulations! You have a terrific attitude for learning, and I appreciate your humorous way of writing.
90 bowls in one year??? I've been turning on & off for 40+ years and don't think I've turned that many bowls in total !
Feb 8, 2023
Durham, NH
I took two classes in Las Vegas with Jimmy Clewes, the second a two day one-on-one that significantly advanced my primitive skills.

I just looked at his classes, and I'll see if I can sign up for one this year. My only class so far was last year with David Ellsworth. I learned a lot, but I'd also love to have some hands-on instruction on spindle turning, which appears to be part of Jimmy Clewes's classes.

Bill Boehme

Staff member
Beta Tester
Jan 27, 2005
Dalworthington Gardens, TX
Alan, thank you for sharing the inaugural year of your woodturning journey. Even after twenty years, I find it a never-ending learning experience. You are off to a roaring start. Ninety bowls in your first year is quite impressive. Like Tom Gall, I don't think that I have turned that many bowls in my twenty-year journey.

... fewer funnels are being made ...

I don't make funnels ... I call them sinks ...


That's my story and I'm sticking with it.