Joseph has promised a raffle supply of ca for the Virginia Woodturning Symposium. he only ships fresh product, less than 2 months. Thanks to StarBond.
... Haven't been doing any turning for a few months with the weather foul one way or another and you and I working in separate areas of the same shop if I recall correctly....
I've been meaning to talk to you about the thermostat in our shop. 😀 Yesterday it was almost hot here. I rolled the lathe out and made some shavings from a plum tree that we cut down last fall. You might see some of the red shavings blowing your way later today. This morning it is downright freezing cold in the shop. It's a good thing that I gathered up all of the brass monkeys yesterday and brought them indoors.
According to an old sailor long gone now:
Brass monkeys hold a pyramidal square of cannon balls on ships. When it gets cold the brass compresses more than the balls causing the pyramid to collapse.
I've been meaning to talk to you about the thermostat in our shop. 😀 Yesterday it was almost hot here. I rolled the lathe out and made some shavings from a plum tree that we cut down last fall. You might see some of the red shavings blowing your way later today. This morning it is downright freezing cold in the shop. It's a good thing that I gathered up all of the brass monkeys yesterday and brought them indoors.
Yesterday I was sitting on the deck enjoying the warm day -- dyeing some curly maple, seeing all the birds chirping, trees breaking bud, grass greening up and today there is about a half inch of sleet on the deck -- looks like another setback for spring. Normally, I have the 'maters and 'taters already planted.
That let all the air out that ballon. -🙁That brass monkey story is extremely widespread but has nothing to do with reality. If nothing else, any attempt to store cannonballs stacked in that fashion would be extremely unstable and dangerous on any ship at sea. See, for example:
That let all the air out that ballon. -🙁
We are way OT now.Al, By the way, I caught a black panther in my live trap last night. We have been rumored to have black panthers in Louisiana all my life, here is the proof. He is big and black and certainly thinks he is a panther! Might be just a feral house cat though . . . Hu
I don't suppose that either of you yarn spinners have seen this item on brass monkeys from the Naval History and Heritage Command web site -- your tax dollars hard at work to answer life's most persistent and perplexing questions.
That is sort of sad when you have to hijack your own thread. 😀