• February Turning Challenge: Choose Your Box! (click here for details)
  • Congratulations Mark Durrenberger for "Ripples in Apple" being selected as Turning of the Week for February 24, 2025 (click here for details)
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Oh, the possibilities

I was gifted a pre-turned piece of ancient NZ swap kauri that I put aside for a decade or so waiting for me to tackle it. If you are not familiar with it, here is something about it...

My piece came with a certificate dating it to 12,000yrs. To give you an idea of what you would pay for a 2.2 x 2.2m root ball retrieved from the ground...

Three quarters of my pre-turned piece looks sound, but the other quarter looks like it may have been sapwood that hasn't travelled quite so well over the last 12k yrs and is looking very fibrous and unlikely to turn and finish very well without a lot of resin infusion. If I ever get around to having a go at it I will post the outcome.

Ancient swamp kauri  - inside.jpg Ancient swamp kauri  - outside.jpg