• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

No more Pseudonyms - real names only please

Well, I adopted my user name in the days when you could only have a few lower case letters: on the darn mainframe no less :D

The first letter was for the institution, the second two for the department, and the next two were your initials.

So 30 years down the track I'm still using it. Well trained no? ;)

My real person has no existence on the web and I'd be reluctant to give him one; not sure I'd trust him in the Wirtual Wild West :p
As a compromise, why not require registrants to enter their real name to registrer, but allow them to use pseudonyms in forum.
I like that, but the software doesn't support it.
My 'screen name' is shorthand for my full name (waltben = Walt Bennett), and is the same as my 15+ year old email address (waltben@erols.com). I also use it for a myriad of other accounts. My full name is in my profile and on my signature line. Why do we have to change our account names? (And please don't tell me it's for security purposes!)

I accept your screen name as your real name. Additionally, the email says (if it were a talking email) on a volunteer basis.

I am not forcing anyone,I am asking.
I want to publicly apologize to the forum and specifically to Truffuls. I posted a link that showed publicly available information that I had no good right or reason to post. While I was merely trying to illustrate how easy it is to find generic information with only a few mouse clicks I WAS WRONG.

The post was deleted by the Mods and I was warned via PM.
That is as it should be.

I apologize.:(
Wrong ID

I want to publicly apologize to the forum and specifically to Truffuls. I posted a link that showed publicly available information that I had no good right or reason to post. While I was merely trying to illustrate how easy it is to find generic information with only a few mouse clicks I WAS WRONG.

The post was deleted by the Mods and I was warned via PM.
That is as it should be.

I apologize.:(

There is another person who has my exact name and also lives on Long island. Hers is apparently her birth name as is mine. (I did not assume my husbands name). She is quite outspoken and unliked in the political arena. I'm constantly getting communication directed at her. Your example was most probably her and not me.

I've been on the Internet since the mid 80's. My career is based on it. If you know what venues to look for you can find me. The Way Back Machine would give you tons of info if you knew what to look for.
The Way Back Machine would give you tons of info if you knew what to look for.

I love Sherman and Peabody references! Throw in a Tudor Turtle and I am in heaven.
Count me in Steve

My user name is already close so I'll send you the email.

I have nothing to hide, fairly boring mostly. No big deal, if you want me, come and get me, you won't get much:p:eek::D.
Coin toss!

For me, the question is not about pseudonyms vs. real names; it's about our individual rights to choose. Steve and the other mods have not taken that away from us; nor, to a certain extent, can they.

No matter which side of the line you place yourself, it is your right to do so. That's what healthy debate is about; heck, that's what life is about. Problems only start to come up when we assume that someone else's choice, just because it is at odds with our own, somehow demeans us or is an attack on us.

Consider the recent Presidential nomination campaigns. Millions of people held opposite views and made opposite choices; people in both camps promoted their choices with absolute conviction and fervent passions. Did the fact that only one person could actually become the nominee dissuade them? No, not at all. When the nomination was settled, were the millions who voted the other way shunned by the victor? For the most part, no.

I guess what I'm getting at is whatever choice a person on this board makes, it is their choice. The mods made the choice to ask for compliance, and we can each make our choice as to whether or not we wish to give it. If the mods make the choice to require real names, (and I agree with many of you that the work they do here certainly gives them the right to sculpt the board as they see fit) we will still retain our right to choose whether or not we wish to remain.

As for my choice... well, I actually haven't made it yet, but like I said, I believe that's my right.

So, has anyone actually turned anything recently?
For me, the question is not about pseudonyms vs. real names; it's about our individual rights to choose. Steve and the other mods have not taken that away from us; nor, to a certain extent, can they.

No matter which side of the line you place yourself, it is your right to do so. That's what healthy debate is about; heck, that's what life is about. Problems only start to come up when we assume that someone else's choice, just because it is at odds with our own, somehow demeans us or is an attack on us.

Consider the recent Presidential nomination campaigns. Millions of people held opposite views and made opposite choices; people in both camps promoted their choices with absolute conviction and fervent passions. Did the fact that only one person could actually become the nominee dissuade them? No, not at all. When the nomination was settled, were the millions who voted the other way shunned by the victor? For the most part, no.

I guess what I'm getting at is whatever choice a person on this board makes, it is their choice. The mods made the choice to ask for compliance, and we can each make our choice as to whether or not we wish to give it. If the mods make the choice to require real names, (and I agree with many of you that the work they do here certainly gives them the right to sculpt the board as they see fit) we will still retain our right to choose whether or not we wish to remain.

As for my choice... well, I actually haven't made it yet, but like I said, I believe that's my right.

So, has anyone actually turned anything recently?

Well said!
Of course I post my URL, but even my website does not contain my full name.

Yea, if you want to spend time and effort to find out who I am you can. Hell I can spend $14.95 and get a full background check on you right now if I want to, but that was not the point. I simply feel more comfortable in a public forum using my screen name. There are already too many ways to have oneself abused online.

If you post a link, it is not hard to find out who you are. http://whoisnt.nfshost.com
There are other free sites that work like this along with other free ways that take only seconds.

Using a handle is really false security. But I think I understand why some may want to use one. While I totally agree and accept this forum's decision, can using your real name in a signature be an acceptable alternative?

I confess. My real name is John Smith. :cool2: Actually, I think this is a good idea.

Funny... I was going to use Bill Grumbine as my handle, but it was already taken. Besides I'm too short.
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wrong again

If you post a link, it is not hard to find out who you are. http://whoisnt.nfshost.com
There are other free sites that work like this along with other free ways that take only seconds.

Go ahead and look. That name is NOT me. All that shows is who registered the domain and who pay's the bills. It usually does not reflect the actual human requesting the domain name as the majority of domains are purchased on behalf of the requester. You'll find my name on tons of domain names, but not my own. I have lots of clients though and I set up their domains at their request.:cool:
If you post a link, it is not hard to find out who you are. http://whoisnt.nfshost.com
There are other free sites that work like this along with other free ways that take only seconds.

Using a handle is really false security. But I think I understand why some may want to use one. While I totally agree and accept this forum's decision, can using your real name in a signature be an acceptable alternative?

It didn't list the owner of the domain name I use. You can hide your name from those lists when you register the domain.

I'm against AAW "forcing" us to use real names on the priciple that it only hassles the honest folks on this forum, which I believe are essentially all of us.
As I've stated before, if someone is bent on being malicious on this forum, what is to stop them from using a false name? And there are other ways to link the databases.

Regarding security:

Collecting data to steal an identity or stalk someone is like building a puzzle. It's ture that with some effort, someone can track down members of this forum. Even when they use pseudonyms. But it takes effort. Using real names easily provides one more piece to the puzzle, aiding those with malicious intent.

An issue that hasn't been mentioned is perpertrators finding the forum while looking for someone. Ex-spouses and ex-boy/girl friends come to mind. Posting with real names could bring someone to the forum via a google search of a person. I don't think AAW would want to become part of that chain.

I agree that pseudonyms aren't a foolproof shield for identity protection, but they provide some protection. While I'm happy for those who boast they have nothing hide (I include myself in that group), others my have personal reasons to maintian a little more privacy. And I wouldn't judge their motives. Whether the added privacy is real or percieved, if pseudonyms gives them piece mind, so be it.

And to those who seemed to have made a sport of identifying one person in this thread who expressed concern about her privacy, then telling her they's done it, shame on you. I assume you used her web site as the seed for you search. I don't think it would have been as easy to identifying her without that info. Listing her web site was her choice. How much info one makes public in their profile should be the member's choice, not AAW's.

Just my 2 cents.

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While we're on the subject of revised user names, who is the un-named poster with the sub-title of "Captain Eddie," and number of posts: n/a? Such as here: http://www.aawforum.org/vbforum/showthread.php?t=4997

The Members List doesn't show him in either his real name or old handle. Has he flown the coop? Or is there a hiccup in the process already?


I didn't know it happened, but he was accidentally deleted.
I think I have fixed it though
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I would prefer to use my screen name, "odie".

I have my reasons for this, and you will have to trust my own judgement that they are valid reasons.

Personally, I believe that everyone here who doesn't use their real name develops a unique personality.....and I like them, just as they are. I don't care if I don't know who they are, or anything about them, as long as they are willing to share their turning experience with the rest of us.

The decision should be left up to the individual. If rules are not followed, or they become disorderly.......it's up to the moderators to take action.....that's what they are there for.

I usually sign "otis of cologne", and I like that too! Both "odie" and "otis of cologne" have special personal meaning for me.

Who I am, and what my history and personal information is, is not what's important. My input to the subject......is. Sometimes I'm in disagreement with what information is given here, but I don't feel that I've EVER been less than amicable. I don't think you, or anyone here can honestly say I've ever been interested in anything, other than spawning discussion, ideas, and interaction.

otis of cologne
Well said Odie. I couldn't agree with you more.
Thanks for your crazy ideas too. I often look for new ones.


And also thanks for your service sir.
Well said Odie. I couldn't agree with you more.
Thanks for your crazy ideas too. I often look for new ones.


And also thanks for your service sir.

Thank you, and you are certainly welcome, Frank......

As a matter of fact, I have another photo ready for the next "odie's crazy ideas", but I guess I've been procrastinating! (edit: 7/17/08, I've just posted it a few minutes ago.....odie's crazy idea #15 is up and running!)

I do have one quick question for Steve, or the moderators:

I see that the forum is now using thumbnails for photo display in the forums. I'm wondering if there is still an 80kb size restriction for posting.......is that still in effect? If a standard sized picture will now work, that would make it much easier for everyone who wants to post a photo. As long as the reader sees the photo in a new window, this could be a plus for everybody concerned......the poster wouldn't have to hassle with matching the photo to a particular kb size, and the viewer can see the photo larger and more clearly.

I understand the "band width" thing, and why this has become a necessary adaptation of the forum.

otis of cologne
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Welcome back, I might add, I haven't seen you post in awhile. Try this link for the sizes: http://www.aawforum.org/vbforum/faq.php?faq=new_faq_item1#faq_new_faq_item8.

OK, thanks for the come-back Kurt.....

100kb will be better for the viewer to see larger photos......but, I see I'm still going to have a need for a special AAW forum folder in my pc photo album.....rats!

Yes, I'm still here, and make it a priority to see what's going on with this forum......although, this time of the year makes for some great motorcycle riding! Also, I'm exhibiting in a new art gallery this year, and have had to go to a couple of receptions recently.......I don't really enjoy that, but I suppose it's gotta be done! (You'd just have to know me, to know why I said that......to make it short, I'm just not much of a socialite!) There have been a couple of health issues that have been road-blocks to my progress as well.......but, things are looking up on that front!

Thanks, and g'day to you!

otis of cologne
user name

Steve-I can't go directly from forum to email (at least I get an error sign and un intelligible to the computer illiterate to fix)
You can change my user name from Gretch to Gretch Flo
...but, I see I'm still going to have a need for a special AAW forum folder in my pc photo album.....rats!

So what, Odie? I usually do the write-up in an advance text file as insurance against computer or ISP failure, and to enable revisions of grammar and such. Store each new thread with text file and picture copies in its own folder anyway. Here's a fragment from a post on another forum:
... I smoothed the surface reasonably well with a small drum sander on the Dremel, and did a lot of hand sanding while watching the tube.

Joe wnVBxx, n=1,9

BTW, my pictures for this thread were made over several cycles of camera memory clearance. I had to Rename the files a few times to achieve proper sequencing, and then I Renamed them again for these two posts. I've left the file IDs as cues to myself for uploading. Ordinarily, I'd delete that part of the text before submitting.
I think you'll find that the only slightly extra work of organizing for submittal is well worth the investment to achieve more readable posts. Not criticizing yours, of course.

Odie wrote: ......... "Who I am, and what my history and personal information is, is not what's important. My input to the subject......is. Sometimes I'm in disagreement with what information is given here, but I don't feel that I've EVER been less than amicable. I don't think you, or anyone here can honestly say I've ever been interested in anything, other than spawning discussion, ideas, and interaction."

Odie, I'm only using your statement as an example because you were the last one to express this sentiment.

When you have a very large group and a ruling or law is made to prevent a few guilty people of doing something and you know you are not one of those few, why do you feel a need to protest like you've been personally accused of the actions which prompted the rule?

Our courts pass laws because a few people do something bad (few in a country is a LOT more than few in a forum) so the majority of us have that law or rule imposed on us. That's just the way it is. One reason for Steve's decision is that he feels a "few" might be slightly more civil if their real name were used. I happen to agree. All the forums I've read over the past 12 yrs., most of the time...........repeat "most" of the time, not every time........the trolls or rude or pushy or down right nasty people have not used their real names.

I also understand the argument of how do you even know it's their real name even if they do change it. You don't. You just try to change something you think might be contributing to an uncomfortable situation. If it works, great, if it doesn't, so be it.

...One reason for Steve's decision is that he feels a "few" might be slightly more civil if their real name were used. ...


Waaaaait a minute. I thought Steve's main reason for forcing us to use real names was to link the forum database with the AAW database. What's really going on?

Steve say it isn't so. Say that Ruth misunderstood you.

I wondered why Steve never responded to my comments that you can't link the databases with names, because there is no guarantee that the names will be unique. (This is not an accusation but an observation, so please, no uncivil attacks)

And BTW, I checked my account info for this forum. I provided my real name when I registered. I assume everyone else did. So the moderators already have our real names-I know they have mine.

Who are these "few" uncivil people? What are some examples of their "uncivil" posts?

Seriously, my woodshop is my "happy place", especially my lathe. I've chosen to make this forum part of that place and I too want to keep it civil. In my opinion, real names are not the answer. If there are people who can't behave on this forum, we already have a policy on uncivil behavior.

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I confess ... my real name is Steve Worcester. But, I'm sticking with Bill Boehme because that's what all my friends and relatives call me.

Like CB handles, fictitious screen names do not impress or amuse me. Makes me wonder if the folks that use them are on the lam from the IRS. Don't worry, I won't rat you out ... well maybe if there is a big reward.
Waaaaait a minute. I thought Steve's main reason for forcing us to use real names was to link the forum database with the AAW database. What's really going on?

Steve say it isn't so. Say that Ruth misunderstood you.

I wondered why Steve never responded to my comments that you can't link the databases with names, because there is no guarantee that the names will be unique. (This is not an accusation but an observation, so please, no uncivil attacks)

And BTW, I checked my account info for this forum. I provided my real name when I registered. I assume everyone else did. So the moderators already have our real names-I know they have mine.

Who are these "few" uncivil people? What are some examples of their "uncivil" posts?

Seriously, my woodshop is my "happy place", especially my lathe. I've chosen to make this forum part of that place and I too want to keep it civil. In my opinion, real names are not the answer. If there are people who can't behave on this forum, we already have a policy on uncivil behavior.

WHOA, Frank, don't panic here. Ok, I misunderstook Steve. There are NO uncivil people on this, or any woodturning, forum. Steve only needed our real names for data base stuff, as you so accurately reminded me. I don't even know Steve so do not go into a tailspin thinking I have inside info. I was expressing my opinion like everyone else. I apologize. I'm sorry. My shop is my heaven but it has nothing to do with a request of procedure on an internet forum, I don't have a computer in my shop, I only have lathes. So sorry I used The word "uncivil". :o

Ruth Niles
aka Ruth Niles
Waaaaait a minute. I thought Steve's main reason for forcing us to use real names was to link the forum database with the AAW database. What's really going on?

Go back and read the first message in this string. Existing users are not forced to do anything. The only force here is to force a greater sense of civility and community. I think most of us feel better talking (typing) to Frank F and not Spyderdude289

And BTW, I checked my account info for this forum. I provided my real name when I registered. I assume everyone else did. So the moderators already have our real names-I know they have mine.

The only thing we have is the user name you sign up under. the only info we require is username, password and email address. The only info we know is real is the email address because you have to reply to an email sent to that address to get put on the list.

And really what I don't understand is why we have all this posturing over this. If you don't want to change your username, don't.
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WHOA, Frank, don't panic here. ....

No problem Ruth. If I came across a little hard, I'm sorry. I'll plead guilty to a little harmless tweaking, but not to anger or malice. The problem with e-mail and forums like this is that it's hard to convey body language and facial expressions-like a little smile. I try to compensate for that when I post. Apparently this time I feel short. So sorry back at ya.

I've noticed the occasional incivility on this forum too. I also don't like it. Most of the incivility is concentrated in a few threads and so far I have stayed out of them. I've also noticed that not all the "uncivil" comments are unprovoked - real names notwithstanding. AAW can't support "art" that some (many) members find offensive or provide a forum through OUR magazine for "advocates" to voice controversial positions thinly related to woodturning; and then when some of the membership pushes back, complain about escalating "uncivil" comments. Just a thought.

On a lighter note, the first time I saw "Carpe Lignum, Torne Lignum", I knew enough Latin to understand it, but didn't know about you or the story behind it. Anyway it brought a big smile to my face. I knew I was getting involved with a special group of people. So thanks to you and all those involved in its development.

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Go back and read the first message in this string. Existing users are not forced to do anything. The only force here is to force a greater sense of civility and community. I think most of us feel better talking (typing) to Frank F and not Spyderdude289

The only thing we have is the user name you sign up under. the only info we require is username, password and email address. The only info we know is real is the email address because you have to reply to an email sent to that address to get put on the list.

And really what I don't understand is why we have all this posturing over this. If you don't want to change your username, don't.

Steve.....thanks for clarifying this. I think I'll stick with odie.

Ruth....All I was trying to point out is I would have been swept under the rug, because someone else was abusing the site, that is, IF I were forced to use my real name......but, all that is a mute point, now that Steve has made it clear that existing usernames can be kept. It is true that mood, facial expression, or tone is a part of conversation that is hard to convey on these forums......and I think you may have mistook mine in the previous post. That's perfectly alright.....because I understand how these misconceptions can influence yours, or anyone's take on my post.

thank you

otis of cologne
So Steve,

Would you prefer that I change my screen name even though my signature is a link to my website that happens to be my "real name"? Obviously I am not hiding behind a pseudonym if my signature is my real name.

As a moderator of the site I will of course abide by your wishes, but it seems quite unnecessary. Ask any body who knows me, knowing my real name is not going to increase my civility. Which is itself a very questionable thing. I have my rules of what I consider civil and do not cross them. But than again I question almost everything placed in front of me...others do not, hence different ideas of civility.

There are also issues that can arise form using ones real name. From posting on some of the more controversial topics related mostly to religion on this forum I have received more than one e-mail to my website either pleading with me to see the light or condemning me to hell. Laughable yes, but considering the extremism that some topics illicit in people, it did make me think perhaps I should contact err "John Smith" for some shooting lessons :)

I originally chose my screen name because the forum asked for a screen name, login or something like that. I added my signature so that people would know who is behind it. As an artist who makes many other things from instruments to sculpture, I wanted my turning to be connected to my other creative activities.

Even though I post my real name I like the screen names. It allows for creativity (please don’t start the art vs craft argument) with I thought was the goal of making art. It also allows insight into the personalities of the individual artists who have chosen to adopt a new name.

My last issue is to ask the new members to not use a pseudonym and allow those of us who have been here a while to be grandfathered in so to speak is in itself treating the individual members differently based on how long they have been members. I like my screen name, would prefer to keep it, but do not think it is right to require some members to use their real names while allowing others to not. Perhaps it is my own skewed ideas of right and wrong but I find not treating all members equally much more of an issue than any comment that I have ever read on this forum.

My $.02
New members must use a real name, and you can keep your pseudo. I asked for people to change thier names in part to instill more of a sense of community, a bunch of friends. But currently, there is no mandate.
I don't see the problem with the requirement of posting under your actual name. I retired after 30 years in law enforcement and that limited amount of experience never revealed that using your given name on an internet forum puts one at risk.

Just my two cents,

Mike....Being a former law enforcement officer in Western PA, I thought that you may be interested in knowing that a guy in Kittanning was recently (about a month) burglarized while he was known to be on vacation. The actors took furniture, appliances and most of his plumbing! Not sayin' that an internet name gave anything away, but the fact that someone knew him to be on vacation surely contributed to the incident.

This incident demonstrates a need for anonimity, whether on the net or not. In my opinion, the less info that is public, the better. As I posted before, if one uses their real name, their art show schedule can be useful info to "bad guys".
But, way before the internet was invented by AlGore, the other people that could have VERY EASILY tipped off the bad actors are........

Newspaper boy
Meter Reader
Mechanic at garage
kid's school mate
etc etc etc..........

Just like getting your credit card info stolen, you are way, WAY more likely to get it stolen at a local restaurant, pub, or shop than on the internet, but everyone is concerned about the internet.

Nothing wrong with caution, nothing at all, but the hype over the "Net" sometimes makes me wonder.

What benifits obtain should I give my "real" name? :D
Would you really want people to address you as "Natty" instead of Dave? Of course I am assuming that Natty isn't short for Nate or some part of your name.