dkulze said:
OOH!! OOH!! I know the secret handshake!!!!
Just send that 25lbs of cherry burl and I'll pass it along.
No-o-o, Dietrich, not THAT handshake! Jeez, Man, everybody who's ANYbody knows THAT ONE. It's the other one we got in the seminar at the KC Symposium, Silly.
Not-to-worry, Greg. We can get you set up, although there will be a nominal fee. But you can also be comfortable that your donation will go for an excellant cause, namely the advancement of woodturning. When you get the form in the mail, simply fill it out and enclose it, along with your donation as outlined in the form, in the return envelope provided (don't forget the full postage - 2 cents more now). Your detailed instructions, with full color, scratch-n-sniff, illustrations, will be returned by mail (allow 6-8 weeks for delivery).
Oh, and please, PLEASE, don't forget to specify "male" or "female" on the form as well as which "degree" you wish when you return it. We wouldn't want anyone to get injured, now, would we?