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Member Directory

I myself don't know how many member's don't have internet service or care, but your last statement has me confused. If member's don't have internet, how would they go about printing a copy for themselves?😕


You miss my point. In this day and age I don't think it is unreasonable to require a computer to be able to fully participate in the organization. I also think the number of current email addresses is not indicative of how many members actually have internet access.

Trust me, I'm not a computer guru, but well over 15 years ago my employer issued an ultimatum. Monthly schedules were going to be online only. Get a computer or look for work. I got a computer and learned to use it. Times change.

George Clark
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You miss my point. In this day and age I don't think it is unreasonable to require a computer to be able to fully participate in the organization. I also think the number of current emails is not indicative of how many members actually have interned access.

Trust me, I'm not a computer guru, but well over 15 years ago my employer issued an ultimatum. Monthly schedules were going to be online only. Get a computer or look for work. I got a computer and learned to use it. Times change.

George Clark

George Clark

First, I'm not sure if the tone of your last two posts is condescending or insulting, in either eventuality, I was offended by that tone.
The fact that your life experience shows you a set of facts does not, in turn certify that everyone else lives in the same world under the same rules handed out by the same type of boss.

And now we're going to REQUIRE a computer (and computer literacy) in order to participate in the AAW? Really??

The only reason I have ANY computer literacy is because of my wife... Had I not met her, I'd be a computer Neanderthal myself. I know plenty of people who couldn't find the on offr switch, let alone the volume control...
And that fancy retractable cup holder, really cool!

My point is that your assertions are based on an experience set not common to EVERYONE, so please, as a gentleman, tone down the self righteousness.
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First, I'm not sure if the tone of your last two posts is condescending or insulting, in either eventuality, I was offended by that tone.
The fact that your life experience shows you a set of facts does not, in turn certify that everyone else lives in the same world under the same rules handed out by the same type of boss.

And now we're going to REQUIRE a computer (and computer literacy) in order to participate in the AAW? Really??

The only reason I have ANY computer literacy is because of my wife... Had I not met her, I'd be a computer Neanderthal myself. I know plenty of people who couldn't find the on offr switch, let alone the volume control...
And that fancy retractable cup holder, really cool!

My point is that your assertions are based on an experience set not common to EVERYONE, so please, as a gentleman, tone down the self righteousness.


I know from from reading literally hundreds of your posts that you are extremely argumentative and love to pick apart virtually every word of a post you may not agree with and frequently point out how the poster should have said it in order to have not incurred your wrath. I also feel sure you will have the last word. I fully realize this is not a winnable argument. With that being said...

My last two posts were not meant to be condescending or insulting. I don't think they were. The fact that you were offended is all about you. I was simply trying to present my point of view and it is obviously different than yours. I have a great deal of respect for Russ Fairfield and the tutorials he has made available for turners are excellent in my opinion. However, I do not accept his statement about older turners and computers as fact.

In order to participate FULLY in the AAW one need a lathe, some turning tools, some method of sharpening his tools, a bit of wood and some turning literacy. Sure you can be a member without any of these things but, in my opinion you won't be participating FULLY in the organization. As I said, in this day and age, I don't think it is unreasonable to need internet access to FULLY participate in this organization. That doesn't make it a requirement for membership.

There was a time when wood turning was done with pole and treadle lathes. I suspect a large number of members remember a time without telephones, indoor plumbing or refrigerated air. Times do change. If pointing that out is being self righteous then so be it.

I'll give you the last word.

George Clark
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You miss my point. In this day and age I don't think it is unreasonable to require a computer to be able to fully participate in the organization. I also think the number of current email addresses is not indicative of how many members actually have internet access.

Trust me, I'm not a computer guru, but well over 15 years ago my employer issued an ultimatum. Monthly schedules were going to be online only. Get a computer or look for work. I got a computer and learned to use it. Times change.

George Clark

Hey I'm still hunt & peck at times myself. All I'm saying is we really don't know how many out there don't have access OR don't ever come to the site to get infomation on anything that might be going on.
Ohhhh my gawd am I oofended by your tone of typing🙄
Still want print copy!!

Count me in on the ones that want a print copy - I am almost where I can't use a computer anymore due to arthritis in my fingers. The online unit is useless to me!!

Hey I'm still hunt & peck at times myself. All I'm saying is we really don't know how many out there don't have access OR don't ever come to the site to get infomation on anything that might be going on.
Ohhhh my gawd am I oofended by your tone of typing🙄


I'm definitely going to tone down the hunting and pecking!😀

I'd like to see an opt-out option for the printed version of the membership directory.

it is a waste of money to send me one and one more thing to have to dust.

i'd much rather have the on-line version and therefore could save the membership the cost of preparing and sending me one.

i'm sure there are other members who will feel this way also.

I'd like to see an opt-out option for the printed version of the membership directory.

it is a waste of money to send me one and one more thing to have to dust.

i'd much rather have the on-line version and therefore could save the membership the cost of preparing and sending me one.

i'm sure there are other members who will feel this way also.


Me too, I just uncovered mine from the last couple of years - I would, however like to see the online version have (much) more searchability.
I prefer having the printed version as it is much easier to pick up the book than run back to the computer room and boot up the computer. I use the book very often and to me it is a valuable tool.
Keep sending them to me

I like the hard copy. I have one in my PU another older one in the work vehicle.
Don't have internet when at work, but have recieved calls asking about something concerning AAW or tools. I just pull out the directory and look it up.
Count me in for a hard copy I use it quite a bit. In my area the internet is run by two chipmonks in a cage from the phone people and the cable company has no plan of installing HS and the telephone company keeps telling everyone that we are in a gray area for HS service something about 18,000 ft. area for service. Plus disk TV HS computer is costly.