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Meeting minutes for 6-21-2010?

Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California
Does anyone know when the June 21 BoD meeting minutes will be released.?

It took only 30-days or so to release the minutes from the May meeting. It's been 55 days now and the June 21 minutes are still not released.

I hope the BoD has been meeting while dealing the latest turmoil.

Curtis Thompson
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey


Speaking from experience but not with authority, I'd anticipate that if and when the 6/21 minutes are posted, you will not see any mention of The Issue that I'm sure you're looking for. Reason would be that those minutes, having to do with employee matters, must by law (I believe part of the E.E.O.C.) be sealed and not disclosed. Also, last time I discussed this with a labor specialist, it makes no difference if the employee consents, disclosure is not allowed. This goes for the AAW Board just as it goes for any other employer.

I have clients who draw employees from a very "mobile" segment of the workforce, and they tear their hair trying to run checks on prospective employees, because former employers cannot release any information beyond, "Yes, he worked here for 3 months, and left on May 14th."
Feb 28, 2009
Red Oak, Texas
It's luckily been a lot of years since I've had to do any type of personnel verification. I found the best way was to very openly answer questions like, did they work there, what dates and other generic type questions. Once it moved into how was there work, are they eligible for rehire type questions if all was positive I would answer in the positive. If for some reason there was a work issue or I wouldn't rehire them I just say " sorry, you'll have to talk to personnel". If they didn't figure out why I gave some answers but not others then it was their look out.
Jun 24, 2010
New Mexico
I understand the basics about employee actions, and I do not expect to see anything about that issue. Myself I would like to see the minutes to see the info or discussions as to who decided to hire the attorney and search firm without a full board meeting. Next I would like to see the info or discussion about the 2 board of directors that resigned and the time frame of resignation to when the 2 selected replacements were sworn in. From emails I have received the time frame from the resignation to the swearing in of the replacements board members seems to be another issue that some members are concerned with.
Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California

I didn't expect to see any of the facts surrounding Mary's termination listed in the minutes. Just, who did make the motion and who made the motions that might have followed her firing.

Dale Larson and one other BoD member walked Mary to her room to retrieve the AAW credit card. Was that the end of the meeting???

Were the two replacements for Haskell and Tibbetts sworn in at that meeting?

Is a motion to put the replacements on the BoD required and a vote taken?

Was a motion made to reimburse Dale Larson for his attorney's expenses made or something along these lines.

Was a motion to hire the Transition Guides made and by who?

There's is a lot of questions that might get raised or answered after seeing the minutes.

Does anyone know when we will see the minutes? Who keeps the minutes?

When is the next scheduled BoD meeting?

Just asking

Curtis Thompson
Dec 10, 2006
Mesa, Arizona
I believe the procedure followed by the board is to post the minutes after the minutes have been read and approved at the following regular board meeting. I'm not sure they've had another regular board meeting since June 21st. Also, I believe they don't publish meeting minutes from executive sessions (but they do include notations of motions that were passed as part of the following board meetings minutes).
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
I didn't expect to see any of the facts surrounding Mary's termination listed in the minutes. Just, who did make the motion and who made the motions that might have followed her firing.

Dale Larson and one other BoD member walked Mary to her room to retrieve the AAW credit card. Was that the end of the meeting???

Were the two replacements for Haskell and Tibbetts sworn in at that meeting?

Is a motion to put the replacements on the BoD required and a vote taken?

Was a motion made to reimburse Dale Larson for his attorney's expenses made or something along these lines.

Was a motion to hire the Transition Guides made and by who?

There's is a lot of questions that might get raised or answered after seeing the minutes.

Does anyone know when we will see the minutes? Who keeps the minutes?

When is the next scheduled BoD meeting?

Just asking

Curtis Thompson

I think the next meeting at which the minutes could be approved is in November. It's my understanding that one of the secretaries takes notes and types them up, then they go to the Board Secretary for review and revision, and then finally to the Board for approval.

I'd be fairly confident that the directors have been speaking to one another, but that's different from a formal "agenda meeting" where the minutes would come up for reading and approval on motion and vote.

From the form of the minutes previously posted, I kind of doubt you're going to be able to determine "time" other than the start and close of the meeting. If the actions you state actually happened (you've got way more info than I) you might see them unless they were part of the employee thing. I guess we'll all see when they come out.
Jun 24, 2010
New Mexico
I'd be fairly confident that the directors have been speaking to one another, but that's different from a formal "agenda meeting" where the minutes would come up for reading and approval on motion and vote.

It would be nice if the all of board members would get on the forum and each give the membership information as to what transpired. Now it seems the membership gets bits and pieces from third parties that seem to be the select few that the current board has contact with.
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Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California
Would the settlement that was finally signed between the BoD and Mary need to be put before the BoD as a motion?

Or can the AAW President do it. Seems like a lot of money in the settlement to not have been approved by the entire BoD.

Maybe one of the By-laws in the rewrite should cover a time limit regarding the minutes being posted.

Can the BoD continue to meet in an unofficial meeting format making motions and voting on them with out releasing the minutes of prior meetings? And are any motions legal or binding if a formal meeting isn't called to order?

The time between June and November is a long time not to have a BoD meeting, given all that has occurred. In 2009 there was a September meeting between June and November.

I've been talking with other members in my area and we all agree that there's going to be some questions raised after the June minutes are released.:(

Curtis Thompson
Last edited:
Dec 10, 2006
Mesa, Arizona

Can the BoD continue to meet in an unofficial meeting format making motions and voting on them with out releasing the minutes of prior meetings?...


If I recall correctly, the posting of meeting minutes to the website is a fairly recent innovation. The current set of bylaws only mention the minutes twice (Sections 5.11 and 6.07). In neither instance is the board required to publish the minutes. (I'm not saying the proposed update to the bylaws won't address this issue.)

Before we start accusing the board of trying to hide their dark arts by delaying the publication of the minutes, I think we ought to first acknowledge that it was the current board that started the practice of posting the minutes. It's hard to argue that they're dragging their feet when they're both meeting the time frame they've previously announced and are making the minutes publicly available for download for the first time in our organization's history.
Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California
Thanks David,

I think in the current situation it would be helpful towards establishing trust in the BoD to post the June minutes. There is nothing to gain by delaying and much to lose. It should be the next step in moving forward.

Transparency regarding the Bod actions is a key ingredient in re-establishing trust.

Curtis Thompson
Jun 16, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
I have two things on my list to check on next week - BoD meeting minutes and the 2009 IRS Form 990 filing - both of which I hope to have up in the members area soon. Please stand by...
Oct 11, 2006
Torrance, CA

If I recall correctly, the posting of meeting minutes to the website is a fairly recent innovation. The current set of bylaws only mention the minutes twice (Sections 5.11 and 6.07). In neither instance is the board required to publish the minutes. (I'm not saying the proposed update to the bylaws won't address this issue.)

Before we start accusing the board of trying to hide their dark arts by delaying the publication of the minutes, I think we ought to first acknowledge that it was the current board that started the practice of posting the minutes. It's hard to argue that they're dragging their feet when they're both meeting the time frame they've previously announced and are making the minutes publicly available for download for the first time in our organization's history.

AHA, I knew it! What other evil may hide behind the "dark arts "of the BOD and their sinister leader? I'm off to turn a magic wand into which I will put the Bylaws in order to smite the evil doers that wish to do harm to the AAW. I will also put a goose feather inside, if I can't smite them I'll goose them.:eek:
Too much Harry Potter I guess.:D
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
AHA, I knew it! What other evil may hide behind the "dark arts "of the BOD and their sinister leader? I'm off to turn a magic wand into which I will put the Bylaws in order to smite the evil doers that wish to do harm to the AAW. I will also put a goose feather inside, if I can't smite them I'll goose them.:eek:
Too much Harry Potter I guess.:D

Hey Bill,

You want to be careful with that goose. They've been known to backfire.:p
Jun 26, 2010
Torrance California
Meeting minutes

The meeting minutes form the June 21 BoD meeting are still under review with no forecast on when they will be released.:(

Does anyone know for sure when the next BoD meeting is scheduled?

Curtis Thompson
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
Under reivew by whom?



S.O.P. is for Board meeting minutes to be typed up and presented to the Secretary, who in turn, passes the draft to the board members. Board members may suggest corrections, additions, deletions or may have an objection included. The minutes are then put into final form and [usually] the second item on the agenda of the next meeting is to approve those minutes. That doesn't always happen. If the minutes are approved, they become "official" and can then be posted or circulated to the members.

There may be a telephonic meeting in September but that may not happen until the face-to-face meeting in November at SOFA.
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey

The following is taken from Roberts Rules of Order regarding approval of, and inclusion of items in, a board's minutes:

"Where the regular meetings are held weekly, monthly, or quarterly, the minutes are read at the opening of each day's meeting, and, after correction. should be approved. Where the meetings are held several days in succession with recesses during the day, the minutes are read at the opening of business each day. If the next meeting of the organization will not be held for a long period, as six months or a year. the minutes that have not been read previously should be read and approved before final adjournment. If this is impracticable, then the executive committee. or a special committee, should be authorized to correct and approve them. In this case the record should be signed as usual, and after the signatures the word "Approved," with the date and the signature of the chairman of the committee authorized to approve them. At the next meeting, six months later, they need not be read, unless it is desired for information as it is too late to correct them intelligently. When the reading of the minutes is dispensed with they can afterwards be taken up at any time when nothing is pending. If not taken up previously, they come before the assembly at the next meeting before the reading of the later minutes. With this exception the motion to dispense with reading the minutes is practically identical with the motion to lay the minutes on the table, being undebatable and requiring only a majority vote. The minutes of a secret meeting, as for the trial of a member, should not be read at a meeting that is open to the public, if the record contains any of the details of the trial that should not be made public."

I post this here so that those not accustomed to how such things are done can have a better idea of what to expect when the June minutes are posted.
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2006

S.O.P. is for Board meeting minutes to be typed up and presented to the Secretary, who in turn, passes the draft to the board members. Board members may suggest corrections, additions, deletions or may have an objection included. The minutes are then put into final form and [usually] the second item on the agenda of the next meeting is to approve those minutes. That doesn't always happen. If the minutes are approved, they become "official" and can then be posted or circulated to the members.

There may be a telephonic meeting in September but that may not happen until the face-to-face meeting in November at SOFA.

Thank you Mark.