Hi Odie
I feel sure you'll have seen this one before:
Bears no resemblance to modern turning but an interesting historical video.
Regarding the state of turning in the UK, I'd say it's pretty healthy, if ageing, which I'm sure is a pretty common theme!
I would suggest the UK has possibly the densest collection of woodturning clubs in the world. For example, I do around 30 demos a year, I am often re-booked every other year, so that's 60 clubs in 2 years with virtually no repeats, all within 3 hours of my workshop in the midlands - and that's not all of the clubs, there are still some I have never been to yet.
So turning in the UK is a big hobby. As far as the professional part goes, there is the RPT (Register of Professional Turners) which has about 270 members and are all supposed to be full time professionals. Some aren't and there are some pros that aren't on the register. Most of the members are aiming at the artistic/gallery market. As far as production turners like myself, there aren't that many.