• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
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How do I . . . . ?

Hi Bill, I had back surgery in 2007 and all went well. I wish you a full recovery and a permanent cure of back pain.

This is my third round. The first was a dozen years ago. A couple years ago a fusion was done just above the first one and this time it will be just below the first one. As I understand it, they're.also going to install screws, U-bolts, and a lathe knock out bar. :D
We're looking for ways to enhance the user experience on the forum and one major part of that is to have FAQs and tutorials that help members use all of the various features of the forum. I'm sure that many members have encountered difficulties getting up to speed with some features .... or perhaps may still be wrestling with using some features.

So, my question is what are your "how do I" questions? Even if you have already figured out the answer to one of your previous HDI questions, I would still like to hear it because without a doubt there will be a future new member with the same question.

I have a question I would like to post to the General Discussion Forum but can't figure out how to do it. What am I missing?

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We're looking for ways to enhance the user experience on the forum and one major part of that is to have FAQs and tutorials that help members use all of the various features of the forum. I'm sure that many members have encountered difficulties getting up to speed with some features .... or perhaps may still be wrestling with using some features.

So, my question is what are your "how do I" questions? Even if you have already figured out the answer to one of your previous HDI questions, I would still like to hear it because without a doubt there will be a future new member with the same question.
We're looking for ways to enhance the user experience on the forum and one major part of that is to have FAQs and tutorials that help members use all of the various features of the forum. I'm sure that many members have encountered difficulties getting up to speed with some features .... or perhaps may still be wrestling with using some features.

So, my question is what are your "how do I" questions? Even if you have already figured out the answer to one of your previous HDI questions, I would still like to hear it because without a doubt there will be a future new member with the same question.
How do I post a question?
How do I post a question?

You just did :). That's pretty much all there is to it.

Mark, Peter answered my question. I asked for "How do I" suggestions and he gave me one that hasn't yet been covered in the Help & FAQ's section. I believe that the question is really, "How do I start a new thread to ask a question"
You have to put it on a website and the post the link to it.
I put mine on YouTube. If you have a google account you should have YouTube.
Follow the instructions on YouTube. Look for “upload”

Can use other services such as Vimeo. Most services are free.
You have to put it on a website and the post the link to it.
I put mine on YouTube. If you have a google account you should have YouTube.
Follow the instructions on YouTube. Look for “upload”

Can use other services such as Vimeo. Most services are free.

Actually, this thread is for suggestions for Help topics, but I will go ahead and add to what you have said. I disabled attaching videos in a post because hosting video files on the forum consumes too much of our resources. Instead, as you said, upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo and then embed a link to the video in a post. Although YouTube accepts several different formats, the preferred format is MPEG4 (called a container file) which has the file extension, mp4. YouTube recommends using the H.264 codec for lossless compression/decompression. I'm not up to speed on Vimeo, but I suspect that their requirements are similar.
Question... After I open a thumbnail in someones post, how do I close it out and get back to the forum?
Answer... You click on the X you cannot see in the upper right hand corner...
One of my favorites.:)

I don't know who originally posted this but it has saved hours of frustration. On another note simply changing the color of the X so that it wasn't a white X on a white background would eliminate the whole issue.
I don't know who originally posted this but it has saved hours of frustration. On another note simply changing the color of the X so that it wasn't a white X on a white background would eliminate the whole issue.

Mark it is a limitation of the VB4 style we run on the forums along with the older forum software. Now that the server migration is done to hopefully its long term home, I'll start working on the forum upgrade again. My goal is to be done by New Years. That should fix issues like this and make the site work better with modern browsers and mobile devices. Stay tuned!
Great idea. :D

Reminds me of the EE joke about WOM being the latest thing in memory.
What is EE (if not Electrical Engineer) and WOM? I feel like such a newb sometimes.
What is EE (if not Electrical Engineer) and WOM? I feel like such a newb sometimes.

EE is electrical engineer in this case. On a woodturning forum I suppose that it could also be 2/3 of EEE. :D

WOM is Write Only Memory (meaning that you can write to it, but you can't read it). Due to lack of good tech support for design engineers, WOM never managed to gain traction. :rolleyes:

I didn't realize you had back surgery (but I've been sick, thus in and out - mostly out). I hope you're doing well.

I had back surgery in December 2018 where they put screws, rods, and U bolts from L3 to S1. Then in October 2019 I had a quadruple CABG. I said to myself, "self, 2020 is going to be a much better year." I think that I'll quit making predictions about the future.:D
I had no idea I’ve been away so long. That’s a highly complex surgery and the pain unbearable most days. How’s your mobility and pain?

how is the bypass surgery recuperating going?

makes my surgeries seem minor in comparison. had another cancer scare but okay now and escaped COVID so far.

2020 has been horrible. Epically so. But we’re going to have some positive things soon I hope.

it is really good to hear from you. That’s what I most enjoyed about this forum. A blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

WOM is Write Only Memory (meaning that you can write to it, but you can't read it). Due to lack of good tech support for design engineers, WOM never managed to gain traction. :rolleyes:

In one rather memorable discussion with our IT staff, after months of specification gathering, countless meetings, and hundreds of hours of programming to create a database for mass spec data someone asked about how to see the result, to which the lead developer replied "Output?? you said nothing in the specification about reading the data." We had, indeed, created a write-only database.
how is the bypass surgery recuperating going?

Mark ... I had a heart attack 4 years ago that led to quadruple by-pass surgery. I was lucky ... I had a great surgeon and excellent follow-up care. I lost 55 pounds, haven't felt better in many years, and go to the cardiac rehab gym at the hospital three mornings a week. I never had the common symptoms of a heart attack, and my surgeon told me that if my wife hadn't insisted that I go to the ER on a Saturday, I was on my way to a 'widow-maker'.
Mark ... I had a heart attack 4 years ago that led to quadruple by-pass surgery. I was lucky ... I had a great surgeon and excellent follow-up care. I lost 55 pounds, haven't felt better in many years, and go to the cardiac rehab gym at the hospital three mornings a week. I never had the common symptoms of a heart attack, and my surgeon told me that if my wife hadn't insisted that I go to the ER on a Saturday, I was on my way to a 'widow-maker'.

you’re lucky indeed GR. The outcome I mean. And It’s also been a crummy 2020 but if we think about it, we all have some blessings we can point to.
I had no idea I’ve been away so long. That’s a highly complex surgery and the pain unbearable most days. How’s your mobility and pain?

how is the bypass surgery recuperating going?

makes my surgeries seem minor in comparison. had another cancer scare but okay now and escaped COVID so far.

2020 has been horrible. Epically so. But we’re going to have some positive things soon I hope.

it is really good to hear from you. That’s what I most enjoyed about this forum. A blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours.


My back was doing fine until I assumed that my back was indestructible this past summer. I had been admonished by the surgeon to not lift anything heavier than a cream-filled donut, but what does he know about woodworking anyway. My sliding compound miter saw may have exceeded that weight limit by a smidge (about 60 pounds), but my woodworking projects surely must take precedence over all else.

Recuperating from my heart surgery was rough this time and I'm still having issues with pleural effusions. Other than those minor issues, I feel like I am twenty years old and indestructible.

The one positive thing about being cooped up for most of a year is that I lost 35 pounds. I would like to lose a few more pounds.

In one rather memorable discussion with our IT staff, after months of specification gathering, countless meetings, and hundreds of hours of programming to create a database for mass spec data someone asked about how to see the result, to which the lead developer replied, "Output?? you said nothing in the specification about reading the data." We had, indeed, created a write-only database.

I would be amazed if it weren't for the fact that I have lived through similar experiences in my previous life as an engineer.
Bill, I thought about it and I can’t find a thing wrong with your priorities. :)
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Thanks for the great suggestion, Jean-Louis. That question also leads me to think of some similar questions. Maybe I will find time while recovering from my back surgery to work on some of these "How do I " questions.

I also have been thinking of having some video help topics so if anybody has expertise in this area I would love work with you. It's OK to volunteer someone else if this isn't your field of expertise. :D
I find the HDI questions educational to me. I am always looking for suggestions from experienced turners so I can learn the proper methods and not by trial and error.
We're looking for ways to enhance the user experience on the forum and one major part of that is to have FAQs and tutorials that help members use all of the various features of the forum. I'm sure that many members have encountered difficulties getting up to speed with some features .... or perhaps may still be wrestling with using some features.

So, my question is what are your "how do I" questions? Even if you have already figured out the answer to one of your previous HDI questions, I would still like to hear it because without a doubt there will be a future new member with the same question.
How do I see all the replies to a post in one setting. Some of these posts are years old, and I don't want to go through pages of responses to see if my question was already answered. Does anyone here use Reddit? The reply format is really good on that website!
The AAW has a YouTube channel with a number of videos, a video tutorial on using the AAW forum website would be a good addition
and would answer plenty of questions if you put a step-by-step video showing the different functions of the forum software tools. An
update video would help everyone when a software update is put into use.
Is it possible to edit a post once you’ve submitted it?
Hi Steven, it depends on where and when you posted. You can always edit your own original thread post. You can also always edit your comment posts in most (I believe) of the forums. If you comment on a gallery post, you only have a short window where you can edit your comment. If something is able to be edited, you’ll see three dots below your comment. Click on those and you’ll see the edit/delete option:

We're looking for ways to enhance the user experience on the forum and one major part of that is to have FAQs and tutorials that help members use all of the various features of the forum. I'm sure that many members have encountered difficulties getting up to speed with some features .... or perhaps may still be wrestling with using some features.

So, my question is what are your "how do I" questions? Even if you have already figured out the answer to one of your previous HDI questions, I would still like to hear it because without a doubt there will be a future new member with the same question.
I’m older than the hills and my technical skills just aren’t what they used to be. Memory is not what it was. I’m just not able to get anywhere with joining. Jack Collins is my username and my phone supposedly stores my login information but it seems to perform randomly. Right now I’m not doing much turning due to health issues but I enjoy reading the forums and learning from others. I know I’ve been browsing the forums for well over 30 days. I’ve tried occasionally liking things and commenting but never seem to get anywhere. I would love it if someone could explain to me what I need to do to become a full member. Is there a form to submit, how do I purchase a membership so I can receive the Woodturning Magazine? This old man is thoroughly confused.
. I would love it if someone could explain to me what I need to do to become a full member. Is there a form to submit, how do I purchase a membership so I can receive the Woodturning Magazine? This old man is thoroughly confused.

Go here: https://woodturner.org/Woodturner/W...spx?hkey=a63056eb-a036-45f0-93b3-63a3204ea89a Scroll down just a tad and click the join now button - Probably want the individual membership

Although if you don't need the paper copy of American Woodturner (I love the high quality magazine!) you could get the digital membership next to it, you just won't have a paper copy of the magazine for bedtime /bathroom/ campsite reading...