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Getting out the vote

Oct 11, 2006
Torrance, CA
There has been mention of the low vote turnout in the last election on this forum and in the BODs last phone meeting. Malcolm Zander thought it may have been due to the placement of the ballot in the journal as you had to either take the journal apart or rip the ballot apart. I'm sure some wanted to do neither and left the ballot in and did not vote because of it. It has been stated by a few in the know (past BOD members) that 10% is about typical for member voting. This year it is hard to get a percentage for the voting because of the way the auditing firm presented the numbers (this should be cleared up soon). Suffice it to say it appears to be a very low vote total. The challenge has been raised by Ron Sardo as to what my feelings are on how to raise member voting. Let me be truthful, I really have no idea (but I will give you some). I'm hoping that those reading this may have some great ideas. Without knowing what the BOD may have done (or not done) in the past presents a challenge as to the feasibility of any ideas that may be brought forth here, but lets try anyway.

There have been three different ways in which elections have been carried out in the past, paper ballot only, electronic voting only, and a combination of the two. There are numbers (I don't have them) which show that having the combination option of either voting by paper ballot or electronically had the best member voting percentage (I amy be wrong). This would be my first choice, (perhaps my only) make this the standard for all future elections. I know there will be a few who say electronic voting is the future and they may be right but we still have many members who are not in that future yet so paper is still needed for their participation.

Get out the vote campaign? I believe the AAW already does a good job of promoting the elections and how and where to do it. They have articles and information to read in the journal and on the AAW forum. How much more or what could be done differently to attract more voters? Every year in national and local voting you hear about getting out the vote. Do any of these campaigns really work? I don't think busing will be a viable option. If they do work what are their secrets to success? Does anyone have a answer as I do not.

Incentives? How about giving away a lathe (or something else) to a lucky voter or voters? While I'm sure this would raise the number of voters would they be voters who really care about the AAW or would they be sending in a vote as a entry form to receive a prize. I feel this would be the case. The members who vote now actually care about the AAW and how it is to be governed. I confess that I was one who never voted in the past. I really didn't see how voting for one BOD member over another could possibly make a difference. I'm sure many members have this view, how can this be changed? I've heard it be said that the only reason some people are members is for the journal only and they really don't care about anything else, how can this be changed (or can it)? I have since changed my view as I see it does make a huge difference.

Penalties? While I kind of like this idea (I want the cat of nine tails) I know it will not work. If anyone has ideas on this please espouse them here.

So you see I didn't have many good ideas, but perhaps some of you do. The combination voting seems to be the best way for all members to vote so this is my top pick. Now the rest of you try and come up with something that will get the membership involved. Keep those cards and letters coming folks! (especially Ron) :D
Apr 11, 2007
Northwest Arkansas
I see your post as very much in the spirit of how do we make the AAW a better organization. You've started with a few ideas, and are calling for more. Here's a thought I had.

Although most of the chapters do not require 100% membership, most of the chapters do require that the officers are members. What about a pre election email or mailing to the chapter Presidents soliciting their help in getting the word out to the AAW members in their clubs. This could be as simple as 'please make an announcement in your meetings about the upcoming election'; it could be more specific in providing the Presidents the bios of the nominees, along with their platform statements that could be made available to any club member who requests it.

Just reminding the members about the election, and/or who the nominees are should help with the turnout. Anybody have any other ideas?
Jun 16, 2004
Colorado Springs, CO
Purely from a technical and administrative point of view, there are difficulties with offering the membership an option to vote two different ways - like through the mail and online. In particular, we’d need to ensure that everyone only votes once.

There would need to be a fairly elaborate process put in place that proactively recognizes when a mail-in vote is received and then cross-checks that vote against online votes received to date and until the voting period ends, and visa-versa. Then there would need to be some policies put in place – in the case of a double vote, which vote would count…is the double voter contacted and asked to help sort out the problem…and so forth.

And then there’s the issue of costs – as all Board member vote tabulations are done by an independent audit firm, new procedures that are finally agreed to would have to be paid for.

I'm not saying that it can't be done, only that it would be complicated...
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
Good Topic, Bill.

I've seen more than a few posts decrying "AAW member apathy" being reflected in the voter turnout figures. But I think that we need to confront the issue that some portion of the membership regard their yearly dues as nothing more than a magazine subscription, and are just not interested in voting.

While it may seem an artifice or some kind of spin, we could increase the percentage of members voting by establishing two kinds of memberships; one voting, the other non-voting. Non-voting members would not be sent election materials (or petitions) or otherwise be contacted by people involved in the voting. AAW would save some sum on printing and postage. And those folks would simply get their magazine and be able to enjoy the benefits of Symposium attendance and the AAW insurance program. Meanwhile, the members who choose to take an active part in the organization might feel that their vote and involvement were more effective. One voice among 7 is louder than 1 out of 14.

Non-voting members would always have the option to change their status by simply notifying the AAW office.

Voting members, those people who consciously elect to be involved, would be more likely to keep their registration information current, making electronic noticing and voting procedures far more effective, and more likely to generate greater participation by the members "entitled to vote." Voting members who failed to vote could then be an important source of feedback when politely asked why they didn't vote.
Oct 25, 2005
Newberg, OR: 20mi SW of Portland: AAW #21058
I agree, good topic.

I wonder if anyone does (has done) any analysis of the historic returns as to voter demographics -- yes, I know, "What's to analyze? They're all old white guys!"

-- No, seriously...
  • Is there a certain area of the country which participates more than others?
  • Are members who joined in the last, say, 3 years/ 5 years/ 10 years more likely to vote than others?
  • Are higher voter returns correlated geographically with candidates?

This information may provide some guidance in targeting fixes.
Sep 14, 2010
Standish, Maine
Getting participation can be a challenge. At the local club level it is also a challenge.
Sometimes I think that the membership does not know the canidates and even after read a bio their thought may be "they all have good bios so does it really matter who is elected". I was probably in that catagory when I first joined.
Communication is a key element.
May 15, 2004
Western North Carolina mountains
Give us a reason to vote!

In my 7 yrs or so as a member, I have always tried to vote. With the limited info presented in the journal, I have always felt that I was making an UN-informed decision about future BOD members. I know that this has been discussed during the last six months. Give us something to be passionate about, and you might find that the "I don't cares" might become "I cares".

Bill Turpin

john lucas

AAW Forum Expert
Apr 26, 2004
Cookeville, TN
I agree with Bill. Although I vote every time I feel it's a kind of blind vote. I'm sure that's why there is at least some apathy.
Oct 21, 2010
Drums PA
I also agree with Bill Turpin and John. In the past elections I only voted for the people I knew.

Having more contact with the candidates is really needed. I know campaigning is frowned upon, but each candidates should make more of an effort to post on the forums. I noticed a few did this past election... which was a pretty brave thing to do.

As to incentive, that's simple. AAW already has a monthly drawing, how about only the people who vote are entered into each month's drawings?
Apr 24, 2004
Cowlesville,Western New York
My somewhat flawed solution.

The first several years, lacking any more info than the Journal profiles my votes were spread geographically. The thinking at the time we would have a better and different level of input when decisions were made.

In the last two elections, having been to several different symposia and as many local demos as possible. I vote only for someone I know, or respect by the manners and approachability, and other factors that I experienced in person. Those personal, and admittedly subjective criteria, plus the vetting done by the Nominating Committee guide my vote.

Important aside. I firmly believe, although I can cast three votes I only exercise one. Not wanting my second or third vote to negate my first choice is the reason.

P.S. Ron's idea about boosting the vote just may get a few more members involved. That would be a very good thing.

As stated, somewhat flawed, but until some other way presents it self ...................................?
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May 1, 2006
Sometimes, solutions are built upon crazy ideas.

With that said, we initiate an Apathy Tax.

Members who do NOT vote pay $15 more in membership dues. Members who vote, get a discount.

How do we handle this logistically? Well, we change the voting date to the same date as membership renewal.

When you renew your membership, you cast your ballot and get the discount. If you do not cast your ballot at the same time as membership renewal, you pay more.
Oct 25, 2005
Newberg, OR: 20mi SW of Portland: AAW #21058
Sometimes, solutions are built upon crazy ideas.

With that said, we initiate an Apathy Tax.

Members who do NOT vote pay $15 more in membership dues. Members who vote, get a discount.

How do we handle this logistically? Well, we change the voting date to the same date as membership renewal.

When you renew your membership, you cast your ballot and get the discount. If you do not cast your ballot at the same time as membership renewal, you pay more.

So then the squabble becomes the fairness of alphabetical, or reverse alphabetical, or random generation, or first-in candidate application submission, etc. for the candidates name order on the ballot!
Jun 28, 2010
Hawi, Hawaii
As has been said people need a reason to get involved in the politics of the group that does the journal and so much more. Its a hobby to most and as long as they get rewards(journal for one) for paying a yearly fee they do not want to be bothered by more politics. We get hammered with it every day. How many people actually got involved in what went down this last summer? Not a whole bunch. How many folks here carry a bunch of the burden of the chapter they belong to? I bet most all of you. My theory is that those folks like the nuts and bolts that make their chapter and the AAW work. Maybe one out of ten or twenty or more? What is the right reason to vote? I say its because you care. Any other thoughts? If you want more of a voter turnout and folks really dont care is a lathe drawing really the answer? I like it though. Since I vote anyway, who knows? I suggest more needs to be said about the people going for office. The paragraph and photo, unless you know the person, does not suffice to give a voter enough information to make any real kind of educated choice. So better and more information? I got it. A drawing for a week in Hawaii for two or San Fran. Now that will get the vote. Will cost though. but I bet the voting would happen. But are givaways the way to go? I say no. They are going to vote just to enter the game. Standing up prior to the voting at your local chapter and saying your vote really does matter so please vote. I have done that. What I got time and again is, what does it matter? I dont know these folks, how can I choose? And I get calls and emails asking who they should vote for. This is from all over. I have to be honest. If I know the person running and think they are A Okey Dokie folks I say so. But the rest I am in the same ballpark as everyone else. You read the blurb and look at the photo. I like the idea of making the ballot more easy to extract from the journal. I voted online this last time. So? How can you convince hobby folks that the vote they cast actually means something? When all they want is turning info and a feeling of comradship with like minded people? Not an easy answer is it?
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Forum MVP
Beta Tester
Apr 27, 2004
Lakeland, Florida
I relate apathy to sense of belonging or lack thereof. Something I think Kelly focused upon. The Most recent data I have

14836 AAW members
13599 eligible to vote (937 family memberships up to 4 members have 1 vote )
3350 members eligible to vote attended one or more symposium in the past 5 years
332 Chapters have officers, some have boards of directors. The AAW Chapter leadership core is somewhere in the 1300-1600 range of AAW members.

We all have the opportunity to instill a sense of belonging in those around us. Apathy begins at the chapter level. Members that don’t attend meetings. Members that don’t get involved. Members that won’t hold an office.

The AAW family includes the 20218 chapter members reported by 332 Chapters.
Individuals belonging to multiple chapters get counted by each chapter. Maye 40percent of our local chapter members are not AAW Members. If it isn’t important to belong to AAW, why would it be important to vote?

We all have the opportunity to bring the fringe members toward active membership.
Encourage them to attend meetings, encourage them to attend a symposium, Encourage them to share what they have learned, encourage them to hold club positions, Once people start sharing and engage in helping other woodturners they are on the path to belonging to the woodturning community.

A main element of apathy is the chapter member who lives in the AAW community without becoming an AAW citizen. I want my club members to contribute to the the club which leads to contributing to AAW. To me the idea that living on the fringe is acceptable for newcomers who aren’t decided about woodturning. Anyone committed to woodturning hopefully will want to get involved in sharing what they have learned. AAW is a great way to share. If people don't want to share, I don't wan them in my club or in the AAW.

happy Turning
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Dec 10, 2006
Mesa, Arizona
Sometimes Apathy is Appropriate

Before we spend a lot of effort trying to address the apparent voter apathy, we should try to remember that apathy is not always a symptom that things have gone wrong. Sometimes apathy is an appropriate response. If most members think things are running fairly well, many might appropriately decide there's no need for them to spend the time necessary to become an informed voter. (It's also true that members may choose to be apathetic if they believe their vote doesn't matter. That is a serious issue that should be addressed.)

All I'm saying is that low voter turn out isn't by itself proof that an organization is suffering from voter apathy. If the organization is basically well run, there might not be any need for the members to become more involved through voting. For that reason, I don't think we should bribe members to vote. We should make voting as easy as possible and we should make sure it's as easy as possible for members to become informed voters. We shouldn't insist everyone vote if the result is most members just "pick one". I'd rather the election be decided by those who've taken the time to become informed.
Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL
apathy is an appropriate response.

I'd rather the election be decided by those who've taken the time to become informed.

I am living testament to these elements of your post...

Before "the event," I was content with a machine that seemed to be running smoothly. I was surprised and disappointed to find out the truth.
SINCE "the event," I have worked to try and get information because I felt I need to be informed and involved.
Jun 28, 2010
Hawi, Hawaii
David, I think you are right on. As long as they get the journal and the meetings go good then all is well. I have been at this for so long that I know its just the few who really care and want to become part of the nuts and bolts that hold it all together and keep it running. But I will keep asking folks to take the time to vote. But more info needs to happen. But I am not going to hold my breath while folks decide or not. I try to have fun with this thing we call woodturning. When its no longer fun I turn a corner and go someplace else. Like form a new AAW chapter and leave the old b$#tards behind that chose to not have fun. God bless em. New chapter is having fun thank you very much.
Apr 20, 2007
Well I have another idea, how about everyone that reads this post helps out and promote the elections at the clubs that we belong to as soon as we hear about the new elections and who's running. We can bring printouts about who's running and maybe read their bios. Also we can try to get people to vote. I think another good point that was brought up that we need more information about the canidates to give out. What about videos that we could play for the members?
May 19, 2004
It is an unfortunate fact that...

..the current "boomer generation" has not been a generation of joiners and doers. In our society this is reflected in the demise of membership numbers of many public organizations, like Lions, Kiwanis, etc. Boomers have been willing to "let Joe take care of it" and do their own thing, and there is no easy answer to this widespread dilemma. We all want more service, but few are willing to pay the price to support that activity. The best access for AAW efforts is through chapter support, and any way that we can stir that pot would be conducive to more representative voting numbers. At the least, chapter officers should be encouraged to promote membership voting for elections, and more information about candidates would be very beneficial for all.
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
Boomers, Maybe

Maybe Not. I remember a sit-in at the El Rey Cafe, a lunch counter in Phoenix, AZ with its "whites only" sign proudly displayed in the window, in about 1962. I remember when the racist owners packed up and went elsewhere. I remember a whole lot of us boomers on picket lines and buses bound for DC and points south, and working as volunteers for guys like Bobby, and George, and Hubert, and going door to door wearing a brown pull-over sweater over a white shirt, jeans and penny loafers encouraging people to vote, and, yes, driving elderly and disabled voters to their polling places because that was the only way they would get to vote.

I also remember a certain decorated WWII Navy officer putting two Air Canada tickets for me and my then new bride on the kitchen table the morning I reported for induction.

"let Joe do it"? Can't say as I remember that at all, Jamie. I guess you and I hung with a different group of boomers.
Apr 20, 2006
Erie, PA
I don't understand, Jamie is talking about now in comparison to the past not what we did in the 60's and I agree. There is now what seems like "What can my country do for me and no to what can I do for my country". Still the same boomers but with less social consciousness.
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
I don't understand, Jamie is talking about now in comparison to the past not what we did in the 60's and I agree. There is now what seems like "What can my country do for me and no to what can I do for my country". Still the same boomers but with less social consciousness.

I don't necessarily disagree, just that the rap not be laid on the Boomers' doorstep. I know lots of us former long-haired hippy peace-creep types who, 40+ years later, still do stuff like providing free medical and legal services, or drive nurses to hospitals in snow storms, or build homes, or step in and do maintenance for seniors who can't afford to hire contractors.

Now the next generation, the "Me" boys and girls of the 80's? Jamie may have a point there, but I haven't watched them enough to decide.
Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL
Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL
Could you tell us what you mean by "peace-creep types?"


If you're not old enough to remember, I can't explain it without wasting a whole bunch of aawforum.org bandwidth. But I will give you a hint:



Quite apropos :D

In order to make the post (and the point) I had to edit some of the "smiles"

Since I clearly understand the song and all of its sociopolitical implications, I don't appreciate the derogatory rhetoric on this supposedly politics free website.
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
Since I clearly understand the song and all of its sociopolitical implications, I don't appreciate the derogatory rhetoric on this supposedly politics free website.


You ask a question which is easily argumentative, but then complain about the answer? If you are old enough to have lived through that period in our history, and were taking even superficial notes of what was going on around you, you wouldn't need to have asked the question. If you weren't, and are curious, you can research the term pretty easily rather than starting another off-topic argument on this forum. I wasn't being derogatory towards you, let alone rhetorical, but if taking my response in that light is your choice, I'll, once again, simply leave you to it.

BTW, what I wrote has nothing, whatsoever, to do with "politics."
Dec 6, 2006
Camillus, NY
Parsimonius Parsing?

Mark - There are a lot of us who know the 60s - all sides of it. Straight answers to straight questions are always the preferred approach, here, there, and everywhere.

Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL

You ask a question which is easily argumentative, but then complain about the answer? If you are old enough to have lived through that period in our history, and were taking even superficial notes of what was going on around you, you wouldn't need to have asked the question. If you weren't, and are curious, you can research the term pretty easily rather than starting another off-topic argument on this forum. I wasn't being derogatory towards you, let alone rhetorical, but if taking my response in that light is your choice, I'll, once again, simply leave you to it.

BTW, what I wrote has nothing, whatsoever, to do with "politics."

I wanted to make sure I wasn't falsely accusing you. But even I could make a mistake.
Your use of the expression "long-haired hippy peace creep types" coupled to the clearly political Buffalo Springfield song "SOMETHINGS HAPPENING HERE" made it all but impossible to read the disdain for "those people," even though you identified yourself as one of us.
If you didn't mean to insult or demean us and what we believe/believed, I apologize, but I think you might be able to understand that I didn't pull the conclusion out of a "stash bag.":cool:
Oct 11, 2006
Torrance, CA

IMHO you all have ADD. I don't think anybody here (including me) can stay on topic for more than about 20 posts, then things start going down hill fast. Ron tried to bring you back on topic but then he fell off the deep end too. Oh well 20 good posts is better than none. I think Mark is the culprit but don't tell him.:D
Apr 25, 2004
Annandale, New Jersey
What was, or should have been a mild disagreement between Jamie and myself as to the apathy and non-involvement of my generation ("boomers") turned into something else, but I'm not sure what or why. Maybe it's just an example of the danger in making sweeping generalizations; you're bound to piss somebody off somehow.

So, as the topic is, after all, how to get the voters to come out and vote in the AAW, the only way I've ever seen or done that was moderately effective was politely knocking on voter's doors and sincerely asking them to vote, regardless of how they voted, but that they should and would vote.

Now a few people can't knock on 14,000 doors all over the globe, but we certainly can call or e-mail the members we know personally, ask them to vote, and ask them to ask their other AAW friends to do the same, and so on, and so on, and on.

No gimmics, no give-aways or contests or defacto bribes, just good citizenship.

John Van Domelen

Retired Forum Admin
Mar 19, 2007
Houston, TX
I love the band and the song, but FYI:

There is no song with the title Somethings Happening Here, the song referenced here is correctly titled For What It's Worth, however Ahmet Ertegun subtitled the single "Stop, Hey What's That Sound"

Edit: sorry to drag this back off topic - was just bugging me , now back to our normal programming folks. ;)
Sep 11, 2006
Ormond Beach FL
I love the band and the song, but FYI:

There is no song with the title Somethings Happening Here, the song referenced here is correctly titled For What It's Worth, however Ahmet Ertegun subtitled the single "Stop, Hey What's That Sound"

Edit: sorry to drag this back off topic - was just bugging me , now back to our normal programming folks. ;)

I'm humbled by the correction. I used to play the song, "back in the day" in Fort Lauderdale... I should have known better. :eek:

Back on topic from here.
Oct 11, 2006
Torrance, CA
Back on topic?

So, as the topic is, after all, how to get the voters to come out and vote in the AAW, the only way I've ever seen or done that was moderately effective was politely knocking on voter's doors and sincerely asking them to vote, regardless of how they voted, but that they should and would vote.

Now a few people can't knock on 14,000 doors all over the globe, but we certainly can call or e-mail the members we know personally, ask them to vote, and ask them to ask their other AAW friends to do the same, and so on, and so on, and on.

No gimmics, no give-aways or contests or defacto bribes, just good citizenship.

When we make these calls or emails do we just tell them to vote period, or do we guide them in how or who to vote for? Do we really want people asking the members to vote for so and so? If we just tell them to vote will that bring results, I'm not so sure. While I'm not advocating electioneering (maybe not what I mean) you should have some information on each candidate if questions are asked. When these questions are asked are you likely to slant your answers to the candidate of your choice? While it sounds good in theory, I'm not so sure I trust unbiased information will be given (except from me).:D

There are more than a few posts which stated they did not know enough about the candidates to make an informed choice. I know this is how I felt, all of the candidates seem to be great if you read the AAW information. Personal knowledge of a candidate seems to be a guiding factor in who to vote for and I have used this criteria myself. Geographic location of a candidate also seems to be a factor, and I have used this also. I wanted somebody from the West coast and I didn't care about qualifications at that point.

Sooo How much more information can we expect to receive and how can we go about getting it? We have three principle means of communication to the members, the Journal, the Forum and AAW emails.

The Journal: Everybody gets the Journal but information is sparse (or so it seems). If I remember correctly there was concern over how much more space should be allocated in the Journal for this. While I think they could do more I appreciate the concern.

The Forum: Not all members visit the Forum but this seems like the most likely place to have the extra information members might be looking for. How to do this, a Q and A section? This sounds good but would the candidates want to take the time to respond to all of the potential questions (could add up to a considerable amount of time). What other way could the Forum be used, I'm sure there are many possibilities?

AAW email: How could this be used? Just a reminder to vote or with information? Would it have the same information as the Journal? This could put it in front of the potential voter a little more directly than the journal. I don't know how the membership would respond to this, "Thanks for the heads up" or "Stop bugging me" (probably the last).

I'm sure there are other avenues to get the message out. What are your thoughts?:confused:
Dec 10, 2006
Mesa, Arizona
In terms of making more information available to the members, I suggest the following:

  1. Continue with the Journal's presentation of the candidate's statements
  2. Ask, but do not require, each candidate to complete a fairly lengthy questionnaire and post each candidate's responses on the AAW website. This might require a committee (made up of the candidates and/or the nominating committee?) to draft the questionnaire. A link to the questionnaire would be included in the Journal
  3. Use the AAW's email list to encourage members to vote and to give them a link to the candidate's statements and to the questionnaire.
  4. Encourage all the chapter's to encourage their members to vote and to become informed voters by providing information about where they can read the candidate's statements and questionnaires.
It wouldn't be a perfect system, but I think it would be an improvement.