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Forum Upgrades – 01-22-14

Problem posting with Android

I tried to post a message using a nook Color (Android) tablet. I was able to enter text in the title block, but not in the text box for the message body. Previously, I was occasionally using it to post messages on v3 of the forum software -- not using any special apps.
Bill, what version of Android?

My S3 phone works post and edit, no issues. ver. 4.1.2

It is an e-Reader and not a phone. It connects to the web for browsing via Wi-Fi only. The version shouldn't really be considered as part of the issue since I am able to use it for forum posting on a couple other forums that use vBulletin as well as others using different forum software. I also used it to post replies on this forum before the upgrade. I'll describe the issue again -- I can enter text into any other text field besides the one that contains the body of a post. This means that I can enter text into the title field and I can also enter text into any of the search fields and I can enter text into any of the text fields in my personal info page or other settings that accept keyboard entry. But, the area where text is entered for the body of a post is not being recognized as a text entry area. It seems to be behaving as though it has a transparent overlay -- similar to what is often used as light copy protection to prevent image stealing.

EDIT: Trying edit with my e-Reader. Works OK.
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Question still unanswered

John or Michael,

The Members List that was part of v3.x.x is a useful feature that I frequently used. One of the nice things about it was the ability to sort on different criteria. When v5 was rolled out, I was pleased to see that the members list was still there , but I did post a comment about it (now vaporized) that it probably was showing some names that ought not be shown (members whose applications had not yet been approved and banned members). When I got around to looking at the features in v4.2.2, I saw a problem. The members list had only two entries instead of something over eight thousand. The two names were John Van Domelen and a test name. A few days ago, I posted the following question:

What happened to the members list?

... and received the following reply:

Bill. That was a feature that was added back in 5.x. It is not part of the 4.x install. As you may have noticed there were issues with that feature.

... which is not correct. We had it in the old forum and it didn't seem to have any functional problems in v5. Even if v5 had problems, that would hardly have been a valid reason for omitting it from version 4.2.2. I posted the following reply to John hoping for a response that never came. However, I did notice that the link to the Members List was subsequently removed.

John, you must be confusing it with something else because that is not correct. It has always been there in v3X. I referenced it frequently and also used it's sorting feature when searching usernames. When v5 came out, I reported a problem about it along with a suggestion. I am not certain if I viewed the members list in v4.2.2 before yesterday evening, but in any event it is not completely gone --it contains only two names now instead of thousands.

A searchable members list is a feature of all of the other vBulletin forums that I belong to and I don't understand why forum capabilities are being removed if this is supposed to be an upgrade.
Solution found to one problem

I found a solution that solved a problem I reported earlier about posting using my Android e-Reader. The solution is to go to the forum settings and change the editor from full WYSIWYG to Standard editor. Next, when composing a post, the advanced WYSIWYG settings must be set to OFF (that is the blue [SUP]A[/SUP]/A symbol in the toolbox.

I'm composing this from the tablet so let's see if it works. :D
re: membership list


This feature may or may not be turned on, it depends on the level of granularity it has.

I have not had the time to play with the software enough yet to determine this.

I do not want the list so open that a bot can scrape information from the site and collect user data.

Give me a little time to look into making it work safely. Not retired here, still working 60 hour weeks atm with the overtime... its on 'the list'

-- J
Thanks, the data there wouldn't be useful to a bot since it contains username which for the vast majority of members is a handle and for many others the name is an alias or nickname. The only other information is number of posts and join date. If the member has an avatar, it also appears. Every single post contains that same information plus additional data about the person making the post.

I came across a site that ranks forums to determine its market value for advertizers, etc. Surprisingly this site had an extremely high rating and a net worth just under $60,000. The data gathered included number of posts per day, total posts, importance of key words, etc.
Hi Dale,

I use Dolphin Browser (mini) myself on Android.

Be sure that you don't have any settings in Dolphin checked that clears cookies and data after you quit. I had mine set that way.


I use Dolphin (not mini), and the same situation occurs with or without Jetpack installed. I do not have any setting selected that clears cookies, clear cache, or clears history. I am reluctant to clear the cache on exit, as some things work better when cached.

When I do log in, after entering username and password, and clicking the remember me box, a vBulletin Message box is returned with the message "Invalid Redirect URL (http://aawforum.org/vbforum/index.php)

Perhaps the invalid redirect is a result of cached data pointing to a now nonexistent page. The 'What's New' 'Forum' etc. buttons work to take me to those areas once the "Invalid..." message is displayed.

While not an issue with this site, I use Dolphin with Jetpack for most browsing as it does have the ability to run flash with 4.4.2. (requires a work around)
I can't get the forum to load at all with Firefox (up to date, with all updates) from the link on the homepage of the AAW site -- for several days it loaded just unformated text without graphics. In the last hour it has started displaying a screen with the message "My site is launching soon" centered and a login button in the upper right (with URL " http://www.aawforum.org/# " ) . When I clicked that Firefox said it was not a trusted connection so I bailed immediately.

The AAW website behaves fine with Firefox, just not the forum.

The site is behaving with MS IE, my 'unfavorite' browser.
I can't get the forum to load at all with Firefox (up to date, with all updates) from the link on the homepage of the AAW site -- for several days it loaded just unformated text without graphics. In the last hour it has started displaying a screen with the message "My site is launching soon" centered and a login button in the upper right (with URL " http://www.aawforum.org/# " ) . When I clicked that Firefox said it was not a trusted connection so I bailed immediately.

The AAW website behaves fine with Firefox, just not the forum.

The site is behaving with MS IE, my 'unfavorite' browser.


I'm not getting any behavior like that at all with Firefox. The link from the main Woodturner.org web site should be: www.aawforum.org

It could be a cache issue. Have you tried clearing your browser cache?

Additionally, folks should verify that they bookmark the aforementioned URL and not any subpage on the forums.


Michael Seufer
I use Dolphin (not mini), and the same situation occurs with or without Jetpack installed. I do not have any setting selected that clears cookies, clear cache, or clears history. I am reluctant to clear the cache on exit, as some things work better when cached.

When I do log in, after entering username and password, and clicking the remember me box, a vBulletin Message box is returned with the message "Invalid Redirect URL (http://aawforum.org/vbforum/index.php)

Perhaps the invalid redirect is a result of cached data pointing to a now nonexistent page. The 'What's New' 'Forum' etc. buttons work to take me to those areas once the "Invalid..." message is displayed.

While not an issue with this site, I use Dolphin with Jetpack for most browsing as it does have the ability to run flash with 4.4.2. (requires a work around)

Hi Dale,

I've just tried it with Dolphin Jetpack on my Droid DNA running Android 4.2.2. I am able to log in just fine and when I exit and return, it will auto-log me in again just fine.

There is a good chance that you'll need to clear your browser cache in order to resolve this issue.

Some progress.
The forum runner editor for a posts, which I need mostly to correct the words Apple thinks I meant, still gives a parsing error when I " save".
If I quit the app my corrections are there when I work down to the thread.
it just won't take me back to the post when I hit save and the only two ways out of the editor are cancel and quilting the app.

I'm not getting any behavior like that at all with Firefox. The link from the main Woodturner.org web site should be: www.aawforum.org
It could be a cache issue. Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
Additionally, folks should verify that they bookmark the aforementioned URL and not any subpage on the forums.
Michael Seufer

Thanks for the reply. I was going to the forum using the link on the AAW website home page, not a bookmark. Just to see, I just now went back and tried getting to the forum in Firefox. Loaded properly. I've done nothing with the cache. I guess it was just one of the electronic things that happens until it doesn't anymore. I hope it continues to work, now that it's decided to work. I much prefer Firefox.
Thanks for the reply. I was going to the forum using the link on the AAW website home page, not a bookmark. Just to see, I just now went back and tried getting to the forum in Firefox. Loaded properly. I've done nothing with the cache. I guess it was just one of the electronic things that happens until it doesn't anymore. I hope it continues to work, now that it's decided to work. I much prefer Firefox.

Usually the best way to fix a problem is to report it and it will then automatically start working correctly without requiring any further action.
Graphics and options missing

Most of the graphics and options are missing once I log in . I am on Firefox . IE Will not let me log in at all. There are no navigation buttons at all . Have set up in another tab and load each message in a new tab to navigate back. Gerald Lawrence

OK When I went to the bottom of page and clicked main page everything is now normal
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Quick Navigation buttons

I would like to request changing the way that the quick navigation buttons at the bottom of a rhread functions so that it operates as it did in the previous version of the software. As you know, in v 3.X.X, the larger button showed the current forum and clicking on it opened a drop down list if the user wanted to navigate to a different forum. The small button to the right was labeled "Go". This arrangement enabled the user to return to the forum listing with a single click. Now in v 4.2.2, the Go button is gone and has been replaced by a button labeled, "Top" which navigates to the top of the current page. This means that returning to the forum listing requires extra steps:
  • Click on the drop down list and then select the current forum from the list by clicking on it
  • Click on Top and then click on the current forum from the list at the top of the page
  • Use the Back button which doesn't update the forum listing page so another click is needed to accomplish that step. If a reply to the thread was made then several clicks of the Back button will be required.
I don't know if this could be accomplished using the administrator's control panel or if a programming change would be required. If it requires a programming change, I hope that this request will be considered as I really miss the quicker Quick Navigation that we had prior to the upgrade.
Back button

Bill, If you the new posts button at the top under what's new? may solve your problem. Then the site will show posts containing new entries. At the bottom use the next thread button to see the next new post. Has worked for me so far.
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At the bottom, there is drop next to the 'Top' button - that is a one click nav to the various forums.

Not likely to revert to the old navigation.
I would like to request changing the way that the quick navigation buttons at the bottom of a rhread functions so that it operates as it did in the previous version of the software. As you know, in v 3.X.X, the larger button showed the current forum and clicking on it opened a drop down list if the user wanted to navigate to a different forum. The small button to the right was labeled "Go". This arrangement enabled the user to return to the forum listing with a single click. Now in v 4.2.2, the Go button is gone and has been replaced by a button labeled, "Top" which navigates to the top of the current page. This means that returning to the forum listing requires extra steps:
  • Click on the drop down list and then select the current forum from the list by clicking on it
  • Click on Top and then click on the current forum from the list at the top of the page
  • Use the Back button which doesn't update the forum listing page so another click is needed to accomplish that step. If a reply to the thread was made then several clicks of the Back button will be required.
I don't know if this could be accomplished using the administrator's control panel or if a programming change would be required. If it requires a programming change, I hope that this request will be considered as I really miss the quicker Quick Navigation that we had prior to the upgrade.


The navigation set-up is hard-coded into the vBulletin software itself.

Additionally, making a navigation change like that would change the navigation set-up for every single user on here, rather than on an individual, per-user basis.


The navigation set-up is hard-coded into the vBulletin software itself.

Additionally, making a navigation change like that would change the navigation set-up for every single user on here, rather than on an individual, per-user basis.


Thanks for your reply, Michael. I suppose that I may be a dinosaur, but I sort of liked the way that it worked in the previous 3.x.x version.
Thanks for your reply, Michael. I suppose that I may be a dinosaur, but I sort of liked the way that it worked in the previous 3.x.x version.

"The only constant, is change." ;)

Hopefully vBulletin 5 gets its act together soon and we can take advantage of its new features and layout.


Missing Email


Someone emailed me from the Contact form on my personal web site about 30 minutes ago. I was performing maintenance and the email didn't fully come through.

If anyone has attempted to contact me, please do so again. My apologies. You can email me directly at michael@michaelseufer.com


Michael Seufer
Hi Dale,

I've just tried it with Dolphin Jetpack on my Droid DNA running Android 4.2.2. I am able to log in just fine and when I exit and return, it will auto-log me in again just fine.

There is a good chance that you'll need to clear your browser cache in order to resolve this issue.



I did try clearing the cache and deleting cookies on exit, and it did not resolve the issue.

Today, I logged in, got the invalid redirect issue, and then logged out. This is the first time I have actually logged out with this version, usually just go to another website or close the browser.

When logging back in, everything seemed to function as it should.

If that is the last of it, good. If not, will let you know.

Just let the site and returned (clicked 'remember me' when logging in), needed to log back in and got the invalid redirect message again.

Ok, one more try at clearing the cache, this time manually thru the settings/apps/dolphin/clear cache and dolphin jetpack/clear cache. Still got the invalid redirect message on log in.

Another try with xscope pro. Everything seems ok. Had to log in(no invalid redirect message), did the remember me, closed the browser, reopened the browser, and went to the site. Login was remembered.

Must be something with Dolphin and the version of 4.4.2 running on the NX10.
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Bug Report: What You See Is Not Necessarily What You Get ...

I just posted a message with a table and had difficulty getting things to display correctly in the editor. I started out using the full WYSIWYG editor, but things were not displaying properly in preview. There was a large number of blank rows between the table and the unordered list beneath it. I switched to the view showing BB markup tags and found that I could clean things up, but switching back to full WYSIWYG garbled things together in the editor.

Here is a link to the post with everything displaying correctly (after a lot of troubleshooting): http://www.aawforum.org/vbforum/showthread.php?10693-Glaser-blue-handles&p=97247#post97247

Here is a screenshot of the editor page showing markup tags after I got things sorted out:


Here is what the full WYSIWYG looked like after switching back to that view. It would have been somewhat difficult to make use of that view for any further editing.


I made some further attempts to insert a table using the full WYSIWYG view, followed by other text, but was having some problems with things not able to display correctly. The moral of the story for now appears to be not to use full WYSIWYG for tables, but it looks like a potential bug that needs to be addressed.
Random pictures not shown unless selected on my ipad

In my ipad I do not see the recent pictures posted unless I chose this option.
Also I cannot post more than one photo ad the time. Is it normal?
Can't see but one page on this thread.

I can't see but the one page of this thread (page 1). If I click the numbered pages or the "last" button, it make no difference - I'm still on the first page...
I can't see but the one page of this thread (page 1). If I click the numbered pages or the "last" button, it make no difference - I'm still on the first page...

In order for them to help you with the issue, they need to know what you are using. It sounds like it might be some mobile device. Also, are you using the desktop or mobile version of the software? Have you tried the right arrow next to the Last button? I had a few problems with posting and navigating when using my nookColor e-reader until I changed some of the options in the forum user control panel.
Just using IE10 on my Windows 7 PC. I can't read anything but the first page in the whole thread, so if you're replying to me, I can't see it.

*EDIT* actually after I post, I can see the posts on that last page...
Wanted to see if anyone else has had this problem. When replying to or starting a new thread, this vBulletin version 4.2.2 does not allow me to do anything except enter text. There's no icons for changing the font, spacing, inserting a picture or link etc.etc.etc. I'm using IE 11 on a Windows 7 PC. However, when using (as I am now) Firefox I have no problems. SMC website uses 4.2.2 also and I'm having the same problem with that site. Other sites I use with earlier version of vBulletin present no problem (Woodworking Talk 3.8.6 and Shopsmith 3.5.4).

If anyone has a quick & easy solution (besides just using Firefox) let me know. Here's a couple pics, the first showing what I get when replying/starting with IE 11 and the 2nd being the way it should be.

SMC Screen Capture.jpg

WW Talk Screen Capture.jpg
Well obviously it is something to do with IE 11 since you see the problem on more than one site and everything is OK with Firefox.

I have W7 x64 OS. I normally use FF, but I verified that things are working OK with IE 11. I suggest scrolling to the bottom of the page and verifying that you have the browsing style set to vB4 Default Style and not vB4 Mobile Style. If tht isn't it, you will need to look at your settings in IE 11.
Well obviously it is something to do with IE 11 since you see the problem on more than one site and everything is OK with Firefox.

I have W7 x64 OS. I normally use FF, but I verified that things are working OK with IE 11. I suggest scrolling to the bottom of the page and verifying that you have the browsing style set to vB4 Default Style and not vB4 Mobile Style. If tht isn't it, you will need to look at your settings in IE 11.

vB4 Default Style is selected. I've tried changing just about every setting in the "Settings" tab on this and the SMC site without success. Not sure I want to "Reset" IE completely yet (MS says only do that if IE is unstable), but there are different boxes to check and uncheck in the Advance Tab in Internet Options. Just wondering if you (or anyone else) might have a hint as to make sure this one is checked or make sure that one is not checked??? I know there are some issues with IE 11 and vBulletin 4.2.2 as far as uploading images but in those instances, at least the icons appear for making a selection. It's in the execution of the upload that presents error messages. In my case, (as you have seen) I can't even get that far.
Dave Delo
As far as I know, all of my Internet Options are set to default. I don't see any problem in doing that. It is also possible that IE is corrupted for some reason -- you could always try a repair installation of IE if nothing else works.

However, you might want to read through this thread on the vBulletin developers forum.

Also, here is a blog entry with some information that might be useful.

I forgot to ask if you weere using the Quick Reply in IE although I presume that you are probably using Reply to Thread in both cases. Just for fun try Reply with Quote using both browsers.
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Long day, too tired to concentrate much but skimmed the links........good info and I'll read a little closer later. Thanks for taking what time you have on this goofy subject.

(MS says only do that if IE is unstable)

I hate to be a naysayer, and have no opinions on how to fix your current problem, BUT
having worked my own tech support company for over 10 years,. IE has been , IS, and will always be the most unstable and vulnerable browser on the internet
basically because Microsoft doesn't care about it, they are just doing necessary upgrades to keep up with Firefox and Google Chrome so as to not become completely obsolete
IE is the very 1st browser hackers code their malicious websites for because the code of the browser is so easy to crack/break through.

It may sound old hat, but for your own security and privacy issues, you really need to use a different web browser
The corporate world would not have switched to Firefox as main browser if it wasn't the most stable, and the most secure
Google Chrome rates a very close 2nd for stability and security.
If I was you, and you insist on using IE, never ever do any online banking, or e-commerce, I guarantee your info will be stolen within 24 hours ......................