I'm mostly just experimenting at this point. I have zero idea what I'm doing and just wanted to play. I have a lot of boring wood thus the desire to goof with color and texture.
I used 0000 steel wool.
I have no idea what kind of wood it was I tested it on.
If it's an acidic reaction, would green wood produce more black than dry?
I actually have some USMC Fiebings. Hockenbery, do you apply it with airbrush or paintbrush?
I've tried black spirit stain and it wasn't black enough.
Recently tried india ink via Faber-Castell Pitt artist pens. It looks good but this particular application they wouldn't work as I'm wanting to do a large area.
Thanks for all the input, it's greatly appreciated. As a turner that still doesn't know up from down, for the most part, being able to come here and ask questions is a tremendous resource.