Rob.....That looks like the perfect set-up for someone who uses a sliding headstock, and turns on the tailstock end of the bed.
I didn't realize that Craft Supply carried them. I got the same thing on Amazon.
That's it. Get a pair of boots or shoes with crepe soles and you won't need any mats.
.....and, those of us who are using the gelpro, or similar mats, will quietly give a little snicker at comments like this!.....especially for us older guys who spend some serious time at the lathe.
LOL Define older, define serious time?
I'm pushing 60 in a couple months and before post graduate school earned my living for almost 15 years as a tool & die maker on concrete floors. I loved me my crepe soles. Now I just wear sneakers and leave the saw shavings where they lie.
But different people have different skeletal issues: My knees and feet are pretty tough.
I don't think it's about age, as in a measurement of time......but, how any individual withstands the test of time. Some will do better than others.