• Beware of Counterfeit Woodturning Tools (click here for details)
  • Johnathan Silwones is starting a new AAW chapter, Southern Alleghenies Woodturners, in Johnstown, PA. (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to William Rogers for "Ambrosia Maple Platter" being selected as Turning of the Week for September 16, 2024 (click here for details)
  • Welcome new registering member. Your username must be your real First and Last name (for example: John Doe). "Screen names" and "handles" are not allowed and your registration will be deleted if you don't use your real name. Also, do not use all caps nor all lower case.

Andrew Hobbs

Jun 2, 2024
Jupiter, FL
My name is Andrew but everyone calls me Tripp, I'm the third. I picked up woodworking during COVID as a less dangerous hobby than the extreme sports I grew up and did for a living for most of my late teens and twenties. I had a near death experience surfing big waves in El Salvador months before my wedding that woke me up to the fact that I am not an invincible child anymore (big surprise).
Woodworking has become a form of meditation to me. I upgraded my table saw 6 months ago to an older model craftsman cabinet saw. To better incentivize me to come buy it that day, the seller threw in an old central machinery mini lathe for free. It came with an ancient craftsman skew and parting tool. I left it in the corner of my garage for a month or two and then with an old dull skew one night became addicted.
After endless research and a frugal mind I bought the new Bauer 14-20 lathe that I love. Shortly after I put the grizzly extension on it. I started out buying a clearance set of harbor freight tools for 23$. I have reshaped and tried all the major grinds, specifically with the bowl and spindle gouges. Shapes and reshaped the flat tools into a variety of different scrapers trying to figure out what works best for me. I have also made some of my own hollowing tools with steel rod and some square hss stock I got from Amazon. I love to tinker and have done a few small remodels. This is the hobby for me.

I have never seen someone actually woodturn in person. I am going remedy this by going to my first meeting of the Palm beach woodturners this month and am really excited.
I'm 36 and love to use my hands to create. Electric, drywall, minor framing, tiling, minor plumbing etc, then woodworking and now turning I've all learned through YouTube and the internet. What a time to be alive and what an amazing hobby. I look forward to all I can learn here and all the amazing creations I get to see.

If anyone is in the Jupiter or Palm beach area feel free to reach out. I'm always looking for people who are passionate about the things they love.20240717_211901.jpgPXL_20240621_011545552.MP.jpgPXL_20240530_155151108.jpg