Mark Hepburn
Artist & Chef
You are at the mercy of the security goons. What will pass security checks at one airport might not fly (no pun intended) at another airport. I have heard many stories of the inconsistencies of interpretation of security regulations. One elderly lady had her knitting needles taken as it was determined they were a weapon!
Could you pack them and send them overnight by Fed Ex or UPS? That way they could be insured.
Thanks John,
I thought about it and was going to do that, but now I have a client meeting the following Monday in New Orleans. I had to change my plans to fly into BWI and drive so that I could catch a late flight that night and still not have to leave class early. So even if I shipped via UPS or FedEx, I'd have to check it on the return trip. And there is no way that I am going to ask David Ellsworth if he'd drop by UPS and ship my tools home for me.

I'm going to do what Betty Scarpino suggested, as it works for her.