Isn't it interesting how those who have found no benefit to using a bowl steady, feel nobody else can either! Must be a figment of our imaginations that a bowl steady actually works! 🙂 (off to work!....still training my replacement.) ko
I am most interested in seeing how you use it. Post a video.
The steadies are extremely useful in deep hollowing. Most deep hollowers leave a ring of wood a 1/16 to an 1/8" high for the wheels to ride on.
You are right that for me, I see no benefit to using a bowl steady.
That could change once I see how you use it and what benefits you get from it.
However I'm exceedingly skeptical that it would improve my bowls at all.
I don't get chatter when I hollow bowls without a steady.
The walls are even thickness.
The bowl steady is a tool that compensates for bowl hollowing skill. That is not a negative.
If it helps getting nicer bowls use it.
For anyone having difficulty hollowing bowls a bowl steady could be of value until their skills develop further.
Sort of like training wheels on a bike.
Anyone with range of motion issues might find a bowl steady to be an super tool.
Anyone hollowing with scrapers might find it to be beneficial.
I have limitations on hand hollowing hollow forms well on anything deeper than 4-5 inches so I use the jamieson system.
With it I have much better control, much better posture, better results. It's a tool that compensates for hand hollowing skill. I no longer see any advantage to hand hollowing other than it is a little bit faster. I always hand hollow ornament balls, I'm good at that.
Post a video so we can all learn how you turn with a bowl steady and what benefits you get from using one.
I think most turners are better off spending money on bowl turning lessons rather than buying a bowl steady.
But your video might change that opinion.