Donna Banfield
I knew that the northeast had a lot of Woodturners, but had no idea HOW many. While we have a lot of turners, it’s too expensive. So, as much as I would love the AAW Symposium to come back closer to me in the northeast, I doubt it ever will. Boston is simply too expensive, hard to get around in a vehicle, and while they have great tourist attractions and restaurants, food and parking is pricey.
When Dave and I moved to NH in 1984, we had friends and family members come to visit. There was always the obligatory visit into Boston. They often offered to pay for the lunch or dinner, and we almost always replied, “No, you cover the parking garage and we’ll cover the meal.” It was usually a break even split unless there were more than 4 people and a really high end restaurant. The AAW Symposium was in Providence, RI in 2003, and Hartford, CT in 2010. The closest the AAW came back to this area was Pittsburg in 2014.😔
When Dave and I moved to NH in 1984, we had friends and family members come to visit. There was always the obligatory visit into Boston. They often offered to pay for the lunch or dinner, and we almost always replied, “No, you cover the parking garage and we’ll cover the meal.” It was usually a break even split unless there were more than 4 people and a really high end restaurant. The AAW Symposium was in Providence, RI in 2003, and Hartford, CT in 2010. The closest the AAW came back to this area was Pittsburg in 2014.😔