Women in turning seems to be catching (no pun intended) on. Several weeks ago, my wife was asking about a scroll saw. I posted this on another forum and got good advice including an offer of a good used scroll saw to get her started. OK, to continue. I had a doctor's appointment at the VA in Chattanooga. I took Don Ward's book on modifying slimline pens to read while waiting. Anyway she commented that she would like to try turning but only if I wouldn't holler at her. I told her, I WON'T HOLLER AT YOU! When I got up off the floor, she said that we could try it in a couple of days as soon as we got some things done at home. Actually, Sunday looks like there isn't a whole lot on the calendar. I'm going to let her turn a few pieces of odds & ends that we turners accumulate. Our local Woodcraft store offers a bunch of lessons, one is pen making. My grandson and & I took the class that different times. Bill La Roque is great and seems to anticipate your questions before you ask them. If she decided to get into turning, I would offer to pay for a class. Now, I'm wondering if I will have to punch a time clock to use the lathe.