Congratulations to the winners of the contest.
1st - Chris Kuehn
2nd - Frank Kobilsek
3rd - Craig Magera (aka Dreher)
Also a humble thank you to Jim McPhail, the esteemed judge of the contest. As an added bonus, Jim has offered to send one of his bowls to the winner Chris! That is fantastic!
Jim provided the following comments with the results:
I judged the entries not so much on the beauty of the bowl but on whether the turner grasped the concept of Layered Bowls. I printed them and spread them out on the dining room table. So, here are the winners . . .
# 1 Chris Kuehn
Chris grasps the Layered concept and uses it to create a handsome bowl. In addition to color/value/thickness relationships, he understands finding the figures hidden in the wood.
# 2 Frank Kobilsek
Frank created a well-crafted Layered Bowl. He demonstrated a grasp of the use of different thicknesses of layers as well as use of color/value contrast.
# 3 Craig Magera (aka Dreher)
Craig used the Layered idea to put together a nice bowl. Of special note is an understanding of the grain and texture of wood, as seen in quarter sawn mulberry and highly figures birdseye.
1st - Chris Kuehn
2nd - Frank Kobilsek
3rd - Craig Magera (aka Dreher)
Also a humble thank you to Jim McPhail, the esteemed judge of the contest. As an added bonus, Jim has offered to send one of his bowls to the winner Chris! That is fantastic!
Jim provided the following comments with the results:
I judged the entries not so much on the beauty of the bowl but on whether the turner grasped the concept of Layered Bowls. I printed them and spread them out on the dining room table. So, here are the winners . . .
# 1 Chris Kuehn
Chris grasps the Layered concept and uses it to create a handsome bowl. In addition to color/value/thickness relationships, he understands finding the figures hidden in the wood.
# 2 Frank Kobilsek
Frank created a well-crafted Layered Bowl. He demonstrated a grasp of the use of different thicknesses of layers as well as use of color/value contrast.
# 3 Craig Magera (aka Dreher)
Craig used the Layered idea to put together a nice bowl. Of special note is an understanding of the grain and texture of wood, as seen in quarter sawn mulberry and highly figures birdseye.