• Congratulations to Curt Vogt winner of the February 2025 Turning Challenge (click here for details)
  • Congratulations to Joseph Bernard for "Working Spider" being selected as Turning of the Week for March 3 2025 (click here for details)
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Why I wear a face sheild

Nice picture N7BSN (whatever that name means). I wear a faceshield for exactly the same reason. I've seen and heard of too many true stories over just the past 4 years to keep me turning safely and cautiously. I hope the vase blowout didn't cause any personal injury.
Griesbach said:
Reason enough for sure. :eek: Do you know why this one blew up and was there any damage to your Trend?

The wood is Paulowinia, and it's the last time I'll turn with it. It's a very soft wood (originally from Korea/Japan) and the catch was a good inch from the shattered area.

Fortunately the wood was all that failed.

Jeff.. n7bsn, is my ham-radio call-sign With that I can be tracked down almost anywere.


I have an Airshield and I am sure it saved me a trip to the ER when a chunk came out of the chuck and hit me in the air filter area. I now have a crack in the plastic housing but everything seems fine. Just before I had that happened I thought about bring the tail stock up. I should have trusted my instincts.

I use the guard on my PM when turning ANYTHING I/m not sure of, in addition to a Trend system. I don't know if it's paranoia or old age. I'm not sure if my body can stand a high speed hit from 15#s of spinning wood. Just my thoughts,

Face Shields

Glad to hear you're okay.

I wear a hard hat and face shield when turning. I haven't upgraded to filtered air yet, but I keep wondering just how much the shield will really save me. The shield isn't supported below my chin, so a large block will still impact my face, it just won't tear it up as its breaking bones.

I'm considering moving to a hockey mask style instead because the shield will be more rigid if a large piece comes off or a blank flies loose.

Any thoughts?

quote "I'm considering moving to a hockey mask style instead because the shield will be more rigid if a large piece comes off or a blank flies loose."


My friend turns with a hocky mask and loves it.
Sports masks

I looked at hockey masks, etc. last year, but they all were too small for me, and I don't have any padding on the top of my head. The only thing that fit was a baseball catchers/umpires mask. It's heavy and it won't stop the small stuff but it is strong enough to stand up to the big pieces.
Absolute believer in wearing protective equipment, though I don't like it! Was cleaning out an hvlp gun in the cabinet shop the other day with lacquer thinner, and the toothbrush I was using to scrub with flicked a nice sized droplet of lacquer thinner *directly bullseye* into my left eye. Pain pain pain. Make a grown man cry like a grown man with lacquer thinner in his eye. Fortunately I hit the eyewash IMMEDIATELY while washing my hands at the same time to yank out my contact lense. I consider contact lenses WONDERFUL things because the lens absorbed the thinner rather than my cornea absorbing it. Flushed my eye well for several minutes and all was well.

Now when I have a squirt bottle of lac thinner in my hand, safety glasses are in the other hand.
Redfish said:
Absolute believer in wearing protective equipment, though I don't like it! Was cleaning out an hvlp gun in the cabinet shop the other day with lacquer thinner, and the toothbrush I was using to scrub with flicked a nice sized droplet of lacquer thinner *directly bullseye* into my left eye. Pain pain pain. Make a grown man cry like a grown man with lacquer thinner in his eye. Fortunately I hit the eyewash IMMEDIATELY while washing my hands at the same time to yank out my contact lense. I consider contact lenses WONDERFUL things because the lens absorbed the thinner rather than my cornea absorbing it. Flushed my eye well for several minutes and all was well.

Now when I have a squirt bottle of lac thinner in my hand, safety glasses are in the other hand.
Shouldn't the safety glasses be on your head instead of in your hands?
