Unless you plan to do really big bowls, you won't need the capacity of the 2436 for table legs.
Oneway lathes are certainly a pleasure to use.
The 1640 Oneway would be a great lathe for spindles and is big enough comfortably turn 14" bowls.
For a lot less bucks the the Jet 1640 would be a good choice too.
If you plan to turn 4 hours a day 5 days a week then look seriously at the Oneway. If you plan to turn 4 hours a month, look more at the Jet.
The jet would stand up to the 20 hour work week but you would be turning enough to appreciate the smoothness, postive locking, and ergonomics of the Oneway.
Height is critcal if you turn 4 hours a day. You have several choices for the Oneway. Find a lathe to try out so you know what height.
CHECK OUT the Onway drill master. I think this would be a must for production chair legs.
Happy Turning,