About 7 or 8 years ago I had a table at my first show. A couple of my items were confetti lamps made out of "White Walnut" which had been given to me by a person who knew what it was. Clay Foster visited that show and upon looking at "White Walnut" written on the bottoms commented "looks like Butternut to me." I said no, it was White Walnut from Arkansas. He said sure looks like Butternut to me and walked away. I thought "hot-shot world renowned turner doesn't know one wood from another." A couple months later while thumbing through "Woods of the World", I noticed a page on Butternut. I checked it out and noticed right away that they listed "also known as White Walnut." I'm glad nobody was around to see me turn red. I later told this story to Clay and apologised. He smiled. Damn that guy is smart!