I have been gluing up blocks 4 to 5 feet long and up to 16 inches in diameter for carving, turning or both. Most boards are 2 inches thick and 4 to 6 inches wide. I have been gluing edge to edge to form 1 layer and then the next layer glued the same , and then the 2 glued width to width keeping the joints staggered. For various reasons, mostly economical, I would like to glue the width to 2 or more boards glued edge to edge. Hope this makes some sense. Glue has been Titebond but I have thought of resorcinal for longevity. The pieces are painted and no joints are visible at least for the 1st year that I have observed. I charge an arm and leg for these pieces and do not want any returns, some slight imperfections over time are accepted.
Will recorcinol give me any better joint over time than Titebond?
Will recorcinol give me any better joint over time than Titebond?