Typical scenario: You've got your blank all clamped in perfect orientation on the drill press, gotten the hole going just the way you want it, and discover the stem on the Forstner bit is too short to reach the full travel required 🙁.
First reaction: Get out that high quality bit extender you bought and stored for precisely this situation, then assemble and re-chuck everything. Resume drilling as before.
Second reaction: Observe with consternation that the O.D. of the Forstner bit stem is noticeably less than the I.D. of the extender, therefore the bit now rotates slightly off-center.
First resloution: Grabbed a Jorgensen wooden clamp to hold the blank and just let the blank follow the wobbly rotation. Got the job done, but I suspect there might be better alternatives, especially since this would NOT work where a longer blank was being drilled on-lathe.
Pondering how to remedy this problem in the future, I considered a few ideas:
1) re-chucking the bit closer to the end of the stem (without using the extender--obviously a limited solution),
2) the possibility of finding somewhere to buy metal shim stock to do a 3/4 wrap around the bit's stem,
3) inquire here to ask others what they do in this situation.
First reaction: Get out that high quality bit extender you bought and stored for precisely this situation, then assemble and re-chuck everything. Resume drilling as before.
Second reaction: Observe with consternation that the O.D. of the Forstner bit stem is noticeably less than the I.D. of the extender, therefore the bit now rotates slightly off-center.
First resloution: Grabbed a Jorgensen wooden clamp to hold the blank and just let the blank follow the wobbly rotation. Got the job done, but I suspect there might be better alternatives, especially since this would NOT work where a longer blank was being drilled on-lathe.
Pondering how to remedy this problem in the future, I considered a few ideas:
1) re-chucking the bit closer to the end of the stem (without using the extender--obviously a limited solution),
2) the possibility of finding somewhere to buy metal shim stock to do a 3/4 wrap around the bit's stem,
3) inquire here to ask others what they do in this situation.