I read all of the statements and ranked them in order. Then I picked the top three on my list. But, no sense in leaving us starved for information. I am not sure that there is a reason for limiting the statement to 300 words ... just as long as it isn't a filibuster.
I guess that I am one of those folks that you anticipated might have a different perspective. I figure that nobody that started turning last week is likely to entertain the idea of running for a position on the BoD. Most likely, those individuals whose involvement in woodturning gets them to the point where they decide to run for a seat on the board, have been into woodturning long enough that they know their way around a lathe. If that were not the case, they would already have relegated their skew to scraping mud from their boots and converted their lathe to a disk sander.
It seems to me that making a potential candidate's woodturning fame, skill, notoriety, innovation, or whatnot as an eligibility or fitness requirement has the potential side effect in the long run of moving the board in a direction of becoming primarily the playground of professional turners. I have yet to meet a pro who I did not like, but since we are an inclusive collection of people, I don't think that would be the best direction. And I suspect that many of us, you included, do not want a portion of our membership to feel disenfranchised.
I could be mistaken, but I think that I am a pretty good turner and some professional turners have told me that my work is very good, but for some odd reason, I still feel uncomfortable with the idea that any of my woodturning capabilities has leveraged my managerial and leadership qualifications to deal with complex business decisions related to services, education, spending, and future growth of our organization. This isn't to say that expert turners aren't qualified, but that those amongst us who leave sanding marks and orange peel may be just as good if not occasionally better at the necessary leadership skills.
Anyway that is my 2¢ provided "as is" and not warranted to be fit for any particular purpose. Your mileage may vary. Viewer discretion advised.