I'm playing around with a piece of cherry about 2 inches in diameter, 5 inches long in a SuperNova2 chuck. I'm turning end grain with a 3/8" Benjamin's Best bowl gouge. I have the tool rest set at 90 degrees to the bed. When I start the cut, outside to inside, I hear/feel vibration. I checked the chuck and adapter and they are tight. I don't want to do anything that would ruin the bearings in the headstock. FWIW, this is my first time with the bowl gouge. I have cut a shallow "dish" to about 3/4 inch deep. I have been watching Lyle Jamieson's Bowl Basics and Stuart Batty's on the AAW forum videos. Your help and advice is greatly appreciated, as always.
"checked the chuck?" I made a funny!
"checked the chuck?" I made a funny!