there is a used VB36 on the woodcentral site ( I think that is where I saw it!). Good deal too. I hate to even bring this up BUT.... I have recently been told the VB is an awesome machine. There is no doubt about that. With that said, I was also told by someone who turns 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week and actually owns a VB, that it is not a good production machine. He spends his time on a Vicmarc rather than the VB. I think this is due to the heating up of the machine and the protection built in to it (all nice lathes) that shuts it down when it gets hot. It is my understanding that a motor is designed with intentions that it will not spend too much time under a high load at low RPM's. Big ol bowls are a big load and turned at low speeds. This generates a lot of heat in the motor and the motor will shut itself down. Not a big deal and a hell of a nice feature but you have to unplug the machine and plug it back in. You may even have to let it cool down. So, this is not a problem for most people I guess but if you do want to do production bowl turning this is something I would check in to. It was explained to me by saying a 3250 rpm motor does not like to run at 325 (or 10% of RPM) for too long, a 1750 rpm motor does not like 175 or less rpm's for too long, etc.... Again, this is not my personal experience but is from a very good source and just something I thought I would pass on. Apparently the Vicmarc does not have this problem (the craft supplies version anyway.. not sure about the aussie version). thats all. I am sure there will be many thoughts on this!! 😉