I have not posted anything on this forum in quite a while..........other than in the photo gallery from time to time.
Back when I started posting the biggest thread was about the new Grizzly G0698 lathe that came on the market in Jan of 2010. I was one of the first to get it...........back then I mentioned in the interest of getting a true picture of the unit that I would give an update from time to time, and that only time would give the true picture.
I know that a few units had a circuit board issue [Toshiba supplied] but to my knowledge that has been corrected, and I have not heard of any additional issues as of late. Grizzly told me they would stand behind this unit with parts and service 100 percent.
Now to my experience - after 19 months of fairly heavy usage......I still have not had one single issue with my lathe. I am very happy with its performance and features, especially for the price.
The lathe has done all I have asked of it, and I have not had any handles strip, no alignment problems, no electronics issues, and the original "hunt below 100 rpm" has actually gotten better with use.
I think the PM3520b has a better banjo than the G0698, but the one on the G0698 is identical to the Jet 1642 evs.
Would I recommend it ............yes, definitely! Of course my dream lathe might just be the Robust American Beauty, but that is a different league! 😉
Back when I started posting the biggest thread was about the new Grizzly G0698 lathe that came on the market in Jan of 2010. I was one of the first to get it...........back then I mentioned in the interest of getting a true picture of the unit that I would give an update from time to time, and that only time would give the true picture.
I know that a few units had a circuit board issue [Toshiba supplied] but to my knowledge that has been corrected, and I have not heard of any additional issues as of late. Grizzly told me they would stand behind this unit with parts and service 100 percent.
Now to my experience - after 19 months of fairly heavy usage......I still have not had one single issue with my lathe. I am very happy with its performance and features, especially for the price.
The lathe has done all I have asked of it, and I have not had any handles strip, no alignment problems, no electronics issues, and the original "hunt below 100 rpm" has actually gotten better with use.
I think the PM3520b has a better banjo than the G0698, but the one on the G0698 is identical to the Jet 1642 evs.
Would I recommend it ............yes, definitely! Of course my dream lathe might just be the Robust American Beauty, but that is a different league! 😉