Passing along the following announcement...
Kiln Drying Short Course
The 33rd Annual Kiln Drying Short Course will be held August 16-19, 2010 at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus. The University of Minnesota’s Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering sponsors the course in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Forest Ecology and Management, and the Great Lakes Kiln Drying Association.
The course is designed to provide basic training for dry kiln operators and supervisors, but anyone desiring to learn more about kiln construction, kiln operation and wood-moisture relations is welcome and encouraged to attend. No previous drying experience or training is necessary.
Instruction will include lectures, demonstrations and “hands on†kiln drying experience. Conventional kiln drying of hardwood lumber will be emphasized; however, dehumidification drying, solar drying and air-drying will also be covered. Ample time will be available for group interaction as well as individual consultation.
For further information contact:
Harlan Petersen
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
University of Minnesota
2004 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612) 624-3407
Fax: (612) 625-6286
Kiln Drying Short Course
The 33rd Annual Kiln Drying Short Course will be held August 16-19, 2010 at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus. The University of Minnesota’s Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering sponsors the course in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Forest Ecology and Management, and the Great Lakes Kiln Drying Association.
The course is designed to provide basic training for dry kiln operators and supervisors, but anyone desiring to learn more about kiln construction, kiln operation and wood-moisture relations is welcome and encouraged to attend. No previous drying experience or training is necessary.
Instruction will include lectures, demonstrations and “hands on†kiln drying experience. Conventional kiln drying of hardwood lumber will be emphasized; however, dehumidification drying, solar drying and air-drying will also be covered. Ample time will be available for group interaction as well as individual consultation.
For further information contact:
Harlan Petersen
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
University of Minnesota
2004 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
Phone: (612) 624-3407
Fax: (612) 625-6286